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Waking up feeling her body sore from all the activities they did untill the middle of the night, yawning Peyton's gaze felt on the beautiful face laying near her.

She looked so innocent you would not believe it was her who manipulated her body for hours making her orgasmed like she never did before and multiple times!

They had to stop it at some point, with regrets though, the soreness of her body reminded her of its limits. It was like a never ending cycle, at the sight of the smallest part of Liz flesh she wanted to undo her again and again.

Feeling her body warming up at the idea, she moved slowly out of the bed doing her best to not wake her up, the night was a long one for her, smiling the images and sounds of the young woman crying out her name filled her brain. It still pumped in her veins and soul that feeling of power and high that moved all her being, she knew that very moment she could accomplish all she wanted, she really was filled from all part.

After a short debate on going out naked feeling reconciled with her body, she resisted it even though she knew it would pleases her partner who made her repeated that weird phrase like a mantra all night, until it intruded her soul and she could believe it, smiling while she was putting on her nightgown, she repeated the scene yet again, how commanding she was weakening her soul right on the spot.

"Open your eyes and say it. I'm beautiful and my body is perfect."

The commanding voice had her almost undone making her moaned louder which was short live as soon as her hand stopped massaging her. Out of breath she nodded moisturizing her lips silently swallowing hard.

"I'm beautiful and my body is perfect." She could not even be ashamed of how she had yelled it again and again until she was unable to utter anything else but a mess of imprecations at how masterly her lover could played with her body like the most precious jewelry this world ever produces.

It all started by her trying to put the light off to finish with her almost dying of too much screaming.

It was still amazing her, but she truly like every part of her body, no part of her body was left untouched. It was true and all for her, finally walking out of the room, she slowly walked toward the kitchen her brain filled with colors, smiling like a fool, she had to admit when she caught sight of her image in the large mirror at the end of the hallway.

Shaking her head with no strength to admonish herself she entered the kitchen just to freeze the moment her eyes landed on her daughter's sipping what was certainly hot chocolate, as usual her head in her I phone.


Was all she could mumbled under her breath thanking the universe and whatever guardian angel and whatever intuitive sens that made her not be a nudist the wrong day. With Thanksgiving she walked fully in which brought Marylin attention on her.

An instant smile was on the young version of her at the sight of her glowing  mother, tilting her head she waited for the smilling woman to kiss her good morning like usual on her forhead finding the loved place on her chest while she did so. Hiding her surprise well Peyton arms squeezed her tenderly on her front happy to feel her child warmth, just what she needed.

"Baby love, good morning. Happy to see you."

Marylin smiled wider nodding at her mother her eyes still on her face and general demeanor. She was changed, the good kind of change, like she had no worry in her life, shrugging it off for the time being she focused on what she was saying to her.

"Morning Mama, I'm sorry I did not tell you I was there, I didn't want to wake you. I know you can sleep late sometimes."

Humming at her answer the older woman moved away grateful she did not follow the reverse, knowing the room was not locked. Who knows what she would have entered to. Pushing it away she occupied herself gathering all she needed for the breakfast.

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now