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Getting out of their car they wasted no time under the dense atmosphere around them, it was like all your movement was slowed by an invisible force . The fact that it was the middle of July and almost noon made the heatwave worse than ever.

The hard sun that shone above the city was out to prove its ownership ove the Earth, making everything go slower out there. one minute out of the car and one could feel their skin become hot and sweaty. Before they reached the doors they automatically opened letting out heaven scent.

Rolling her shoulders without a word as the doors closed behind them Liz breathed in and out before looking at Peyton, who knew she was not used to the hashness of the climate change. Most of the time she was home, or in offices with AC.

Nodding her way after a moment of standing still, she felt her hand being snatched away having them walking without words through the store alleys, before they came to a stop. Pointing the covered shelf Peyton's gaze met Liz joyful one.

"I told you there will be plenty here."

After soft and daring lips left hers, Peyton's eyes met Liz rolling ones, at the sight she smirked rolling her tongue in her mouth, still able to feel the tingles of her presence on her lips. All her body was like a torch of vivid flames burning in the cold air conditioned of the large store. Breathing in the lavender scent of the place she welcomed the relaxation that traveled through her body.

She could feel eyes on them even if no one was around, the cameras on all angles of the store telling her the story of a film Liz was writing by her daring attitude, making her participate by her weakness.

As soon as her wife had learned that the space was Pride free as she liked to call it, she always, knowing Peyton secretly craved it, used the right amount of public display of affection like holding hands and kisses here and there. Like on cue she kissed the back of the hand she was holding before letting go to go straight on her beloved pastas.

In all seriousness she started packing the butterflies shaped macaronis in the groceries cart. In a way she was the one that made them travel throughout all the town.

Shaking her head at how serious she was arranging them to have as much as they could fit in the large cart. Peyton wandered her eyes around her, she knew the force of the nature she had married. She kept saying it was okay to not have this specific at home but Peyton knew better.

She knew those kind of macaroni with a butterfly forms was one of the rare food that never survive in her plate whatever her mood was, mostly they helped in those days that she was not really into eating.

To say she had to monitor her intake of food like in the beginning would be lying, there was a special treatment you get from marriage. For Liz it came with her vowed or the fact that one day Peyton had cried after coming from a weekend of hard work and finding all the meals she had left for her was still in the fridge untouched.

"What did you eat?"

She had asked to a not bothered Liz who by her appearance was clearly asking herself what all the fuss was about. She was so puzzled Peyton remembered that moment, she had felt for the first time of her life, the need to hit her own head on a wall. It was basically what she was doing under her wife stare while she was sitting on the kitchen counter her phone in her hands. Not bothered.

"I --"

Not waiting for her to finish, Peyton was already in action. After checking all the big fridge, she came out dejected to see all the milk and snacks had vanished, but not a single spoon of real foods!

She remembered going straight to their bedroom eyes watering like rain was pouring out of them, wondering if by marrying her she had not sealed her fate to someone out to kill herself. It was just six months and she was already crying!

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now