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A bit baffled Peyton stood in the doorway of the living room staring at the already empty and all fastened table. Eyebrows arched in wonder, she checked the time in her folder wristband mentally calculating the amount of time the food left in Liz plate earlier would have normally last for her to finish it.

Invariably she arrived at the same conclusion, the young woman had rushed it in her stomach or decided to not finish it at all. The two scenarios did not pleased her at all, dismissing the first hypothesis she favored the latter.

Holding her breath she prepared herself mentally to the battle to come and chosed to walk across the dinning room to the door opposite where entered, knowing she could be in the large kitchen in less time than if she had walked all the way through the hallway. The hidden door was a connection that helped food service quicker.

The moment she walked thought the hidden door in a haste, she almost collided with Liz body.

"You finished already?"

Suprised to see her about to walk out of the kitchen where she certainly put everything she used as she always did. Peyton asked patting her left upper thigh. A tic of hers when she was uncomfortable, before walking toward the refrigerator.

"You were quick. Oh! I see."

While talking to Liz who had moved out of her way to let her in, Peyton frown after opening the refrigerator where in fact she had put her food in a smaller plate. She had long decided to not questioning Liz relationship with food. This time at least she knew what had cut her appetite.

Knowing she would have to make her eat again before they called it a night, she took the unfinished food for herself before looking her way. Liz just nodded taking her in as she placed it on the countertop, took a knife with a fork, cut the part of steak left in the plate directing it in her mouth. While she was chewing she did that again, patted her left thigh.

It was so furtively made a normal mind barely would have registered it, but Liz had learned all those things about her that made her as human as anyone else once you look pass the blur her beauty was. Sawyer intimidated was unbelievable for the mind of simple mortal being, but the evidence was there, guilty much.

Dismissing the gesture and its meaning as soon she saw it Liz looked straight ahead of her. In a matter of three cut the meat was gone, the plate cleaned with the cutlery she had used. Since it was all her masterpiece doing, Liz shrugged it off, for what she knew, Peyton could feel whatever she wanted, that was not on her. It was her decision to make it right or not. She was not about to make it simple for her.

"Huh huh."

Humming at her the young woman walked passed her heading right away toward the living room where she sat on the couch after taking the remote control in her hand then started scrolling through the channels totally ignoring her new found company, like her shadow, she had followed her from the kitchen.

Even though she was mad, she could still make out her sexy body standing at the far end of the large couch not knowing where to start. Clearing her throat her left hand in the back pocket of her pants, she moved a little forward.

"Everything went alright hmm. Lexa told me. You guys click just fine I'm happy she could keep you company." Moving toward the center of the couch very cautiously the brown eyes tried again while lowering herself to sit as near as possible without touching her target in anyway. Like a deer she knew she could bolt away from her. She knew intuitively that doing it would be a bad move.


Completely engrossed by the nex TV program, a movie she had wanted to see Liz hummed softly pulling her feet underneath her in a comfortable position eyes fixated on the beginning of the movie.

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now