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It's a cool night mixed with chilly emotions in the air. As flirtatious touches of laughter and giggles are heard over the rumble of music.

I was having an amazing night with my girlfriends, Amaya and Vivi. As we dined over a chicken pepper soup and a wine.

"I think we should do this often," Amaya said.

I giggled and asked, "Do what?"

"This thing" Girls night out! "Amaya screams, as though we couldn't hear her.

Vivi and I laughed.

"You sure love it, because you're coming here for the boys," Vivi clarified, and I chuckled at the truth.

"Shut up! you know I come here for food, maybe 30% for you guys. Not for the boys ", She smirks.

Yeah, Amaya might have just lied. She is the world you must avoid "flirt" of all time. So we know her games. The reason why she hasn't left us is probably that, she hasn't seen a man stealing a glance her way. YET.

"Well, I won't lie I love this, but excuse my upset spirit." I turned to Vivi, asking."Why fix it today? Ever heard about days called weekends? "I creased my brows at her, as I placed the champagne glass delicately to my lips, trying not to ruin my lipstick.

"Oh come could ditch your job tomorrow," Vivi dismissed me with a wave, sipping on her wine also.

I spat my wine out quickly, as it turned bitter all of a sudden. Hoping I haven't ruined my dress, it'd be better to ruin my lipstick, than my dress. Wait what did she just say?

"No Trexie" Amaya taps me gently, shaking her head at me.

I looked at Amaya, and then to Vivi.
"What did you say?" I asked Vivi.

I take everything in my life seriously, down to avoiding my food getting burnt, or having its remains get stick under my pot. And now you think I would joke with my job?


"You know what? I was gonna say something really bad..." I interjected

"Trex can you just ignore her" Amaya tries to stop me, but I continued.

"Vivi, are you gonna get my boss laid, to retain my job? "

"Oh, my" Amaya facepalms.

"Silly! I know there's no way he will fire you, for not showing up once at work."

My eyes felt like; it was about to bulge out, as I said nothing, seriously thinking of she could make a joke as horrible as that. I saw Amaya adjust, knowing she had something to say. I only hope she makes sense.

"Vivi! oh my! I'm disappointed in you "

Ok...maybe better.

"Shut up pimple!" Vivi smirks at her.

"For calming Trexie's nerves, Is that supposed to be a thank you? " Amaya retorted.

Now watch them fight.

"Pfff! you should work when your services are needed" Vivi snaps at her.

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