Chapter 15

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(Dedicated to icykelzx Girl ❤️)

"Please Bryan" I continued to plead with my knees on the floor.

He only looked down at me.

"I swear, nothing is going on between us" I tried to explain.

"And why is it so hard for me to believe? When you were there cling to his body as he owned you?"


"Trexie you're unbelievable!" he shuts me up

"That hug was forcefully taken. I didn't hug him, he pulled it on me. I swear" I said with tears cascading yet again.
Something I have become acquainted with lately.

"Why would you ever cheat on me, why should you?" he asked again.

"I am not cheating on you Bryan, I never did, believe me!"


"I swear with my life. I have never cheated on you. I have been faithful to you, please Baby believe me" I continued to cry and grabbed his knees.

"I can't believe you Trex. Not when I saw it myself" he tugged his leg out of my grasp.

"It's not like yiu saw me banging him Bryan. It was a hug that I didn't see coming. I didn't..."

"Oh! Seeing you and Nico hugging isn't an eyesore? What does that mean? Enlighten me"

I shook my head in tears "I am sorry, please forgive me, it won't happen again."

"Does that leave me to say, your Boss is into you?" he folds his arm and looked down on me.

I swallowed hard, not knowing how to answer that.

"I am asking you Trexie!" he yells.

"I will quit my job, I promise I'll quit"I managed to say.

He took a deep breath and turned his back on me. A cold silence swept the room.

I bit my lips nervously, I could feel my veins threatening to pump out of my flesh.

My whole body was shaking, like a kid caught in an act, knowing he would be severely punished for committing an offense. I never dreaded anything in my life till this moment.

Who knew there's a silence that could be hurting like this? I am breaking and only a tiny string held me from drifting apart.

"You are quitting late." He finally said.

I squeezed my palm to bring life to it, as I appeared numb and empty.

"What happened to you quitting when I asked you to? I should have known he was into you. I should have known! Dammit!!!" He threw his phone at the giant mirror hanging on the wall and they shattered into pieces making me tremble with fear.

"Damn you Trex! Damn you Trex!" He says through gritted teeth.

I tried to comport myself so I could be able to utter a word. At least a word. Just a word.


"Shut your mouth! Don't even dare say a word!" he turns hazardously. Stomping towards me, I nodded quickly, obviously vibrating.

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