Chapter 18

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Bryan POV.
(Early morning)

Pacing around my balcony with my phone on hand.

Why have they come into town today? I should just tell them, that we are no longer together? Oh...what do I do? My mum seemed excited to meet her. I should tell them that she isn't in town?

"Arg" I groaned and walked to the chair close to the balcony and crashed on it.

I don't know what to do right now, I hate a gathering that will ponder much on my relationship.

I can bet my mother would stress that " when are you two getting married?"

I wanted us to meet them earlier, but that was when we were still at peace.

Ok rephrase that, I just wanted to take the risk of seeing them so that Trex would have a little faith in me.

I shook my head and looked out through the balcony. I wish my mind will be as cool as this morning's atmosphere.

I am troubled and at the cliff of breaking. I never knew I could term my breakup a cheat. I never have dreamt of ending it this way, but I wish I saw a sneak peek of our future.

Maybe just maybe, I would have done something. I can't bear to see her now, though I want an explanation of how things got to this point.

I would like to know if I have done something that drove her to cheat on me. I want to know if our relationship never meant anything to her. I want to know if this is what she wants. But she cried on her knees the other day, feeling very remorseful.

All those can't be her acting? I don't know why I have suddenly started doubting her love for me. I want to ask her why? There are so many questions to ask. But yet I don't wish to see her.

Why was my mum asking about seeing my girlfriend, as though she would die if she doesn't see her today?

With that thought, I quickly grabbed my phone and searched for Trexie's number. I found it and opened a new text page.

I glanced up and closed my eyes as my hands shook. What if she declines, it seems like we both hate each other right now, she doesn't care anymore.

She moved on so quickly like we never planned a future together. If this is a dream, I want to wake up immediately.

I started texting her...

Do you think... (backspace-backspace)

Trex come to Cupid by... (backspace- backspace)

I shook my head, thinking of what to text her.

My parents want to see you..." she will give me a snappy reply.

Maybe "For what? Am I with your destiny? Do I still have a business with your family?"

(Backspace- backspace)

I began to think again. What do I say?

My parents are in town and...pauses

Wants to see you...(backspace "you")

Us. Please just come to Cupid by 7 pm...pauses.

Backspace backspace.

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