Chapter 16

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Sitting on a deck chair, at the Snowflake sit out, with legs crossed and my dark shade on. I savored my hours of solitude. I needed to be alone at the moment so I could figure out how everything got to this point. I didn't want to lock myself in and cry all day. I won't lie, I'm hurt deeply that my heart bleeds.

Don't take me as the dramatic girlfriend, because I quickly called it off with him.

I did what I think was best for me, what I know you would do if you were hurt as I am right now.

How can Bryan ever doubt my love for him?



There are things that his sane mind should skip ever thinking of. He could accuse me of cheating, and I'd get pained, but doubt my love?

He stabbed me right in the heart.


Five years ago when we met, it was in the university. I had a fallout with my course rep(Representative) over the issues of me not attending lectures and no source of how my signature got to be in the attendance book.

My friends refused to admit that they were the ones that signed for me, to avoid getting into trouble. I wasn't about to let them get caught, so I continued to claim to sign the attendance.

The Course rep whom I knew not how I offended, took it upon herself to report to the HOD(Head of Department).

I had just a little confidence in myself at what the result would be because the truth is that the signatures were different from mine, and my other signed books will be used to compare.

I did everything to stop my Course rep, but she was bent on seeing my doom.

What wrong have I done to this girl? I asked myself. She stormed out of the class and headed to the HOD's office and I followed on her tail, begging her to listen to me. But It seemed like her hate for me has clouded her mind and she has been waiting for me to get into her trap one day, while she peals my skin gradually.

We were close to the office when a male voice called behind us and it was Bryan. I didn't know him at that moment.

She turned with a huge smile on her face and hugged him. I was a tad jealous because the guy was handsome, well...not nicely dressed but he can still melt hearts with his charming face. And the bitch doesn't deserve such a gorgeous young man.

They talked for long, and I had no choice but to wait, I still had to beg the girl to pardon me though. I noticed Bryan glancing at me a few times, and I wanted to think he found me attractive and better off to talk to, than the petite heartless girl.

But I was too busy fighting my demons to act interested. Just when I was starting to get pissed, I found the girl glancing my way too. Are they talking about me? I asked myself.

I hope he is not trying to talk to me, through her?

Wait I thought they were dating?

These were the thoughts going through my head when I noticed her standing close to me.

"You are lucky my cousin saved your a**," she said.

Oh, they are cousins? Wow good news to me!

But...what does...I was about to ask her, but she walked off and I quickly glanced at the place he stood before, and he was no longer there.

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