Chapter 14

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(Dedicated to queenFaithofficial for being the first to comment)

My phone continued to buzz.

"Switch the phone off" Tony advises.

I couldn't allow a minute to go by after his words, so I switched it off.

"Good" he nods to m,e.

"Oh, Jesus hold me!" I heard Daniel mumble.

I and Tony turned to him with questioning looks.

He sighs and unclenched his balled fist, with a telling glare at Tony.

"What exactly is your mission?"

"What?"Tony looked as perplexed as I'm.

Daniel adjusts himself and looked him straight in the eyes; and asked: ", Are you, cursed man?"

Tony clenches his fist.

"Why are you acting like you're possessed? "He asks calmly as though he hadn't just said a cruel thing?

Tony glared at him, obviously wondering how Daniel got suddenly demented. I was thinking the same.

"How the f**k did you flee from the abyss?"Daniel continued.

Tony quickly stood up to retaliate and I held him back.

"Hey calm down"

"Oh! The demon wants to manifest?"

Daniel stood up and grabbed a bottle.
"Demon, do you want to manifest? Let me dig a hole on your f**king head!"

"What's wrong with you? Calm down!"I held him back too with my other hand still on Tony.

I have known Daniel my whole life, to always tag him as the aggressive one.
Whenever he's angry, he acts like something has possessed his body, and you know not to get in his way.

Even if you're his father. But I don't get why he is so pissed off like I'm not the one who is brooding over the loss of a girlfriend.

It sounds like death. She is not dead, but my heart is dead right now. So everything probably is.

"Get your hands off me!" he yells at me and my eyes widen.

He mutters something lowly to his hearing, sounding disgusted.

I was lost on why he is so mad right now.

"Daniel is..."

"I didn't know men like you still exist. Men who let their fellow man poison their minds against the ones they love. Come on man, I thought you were my blood? but you just giving me doubts right now!"

" Aren't you ashamed of yourself Bryan? Oh if eventually, you have a family tomorrow, you'll bring this fool to split it up?"

Tony makes to lose my grip on him.

"Daniel!" I shot him a warning look.

"F**k you too" he grabbed his phone and left the bar at once.

I released Tony and heaved a long sigh while watching the direction Daniel took off from.

I glanced at Tony, whose fists were still clenched. I must have held some beast at bay.

I grabbed my car keys and phone and left without saying a word to him.

Trexie's Pov

"He has switched off his phone" I sniffled, wiping my nose and the tears that have found comfort on my cheeks tonight.

"Stop crying"Amaya pats my shoulder.

"He needs time to get over it, just give him today off"Vivi tries to comfort me, but it wasn't working.

Sometimes you just don't need to be comforted, I want to wallow in this grief, but it hurts so bad.

"Seeing me in a tight hug with my Boss will make him believe, whatever Tony must have told him. Don't you see eh?"I teared up again

"Hey! he shouldn't conclude until he hears from you" Amaya offers her comfort.

"I believe that only an explanation will crack this hard nut, "Vivi said filling a glass cup with water.

Amaya takes it from her"Here drink and calm down."She hands the glass cup to me, and I took it from her.

When did the water turn bitter?
Or am I the one who is bitter right now?

I pushed it back to her, grimacing.

"Trex, what he saw today is what he longed to see. Since it has been stamped on his mind, he believed it and that's why his legs brought him there at that time. If he hadn't harbored that thought, he wouldn't see such"Amaya says keeping the glass cup away.

"Exactly, he saw what he wanted to see. He either blames himself for wallowing in Tony's lies or he does nothing at all. But give him today off, you can go talk to him tomorrow" Vivi says and I nodded.

"Tony is a devil, you should've handled him when you had the opportunity"Amaya frowns.

"Trex, I think you should tell Bryan about him"Vivi suggests.

I looked up, finally relieving myself of the pain in my neck, that I didn't realize all this while, and glanced at the two faces before me.

Not edited.

You know I haven't edited this book yet, but this particular chapter needs a lot of clean-up.

I had an evening exam and I came back just 2hours ago. My eyes are so heavy that if I don't sleep now...then I prolly wanna kill myself. And I'm not doing just that.

I rushed this chapter, just to leave y'all with something. I hope it's not crappy.☹️.

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