Chapter 12

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"What's up?"

"I am good...ugh! Your voice is awful"

"I know Amaya! Just...send Daniel's number quickly. I need it right now and don't question me!"

"Trex...who sends..."


"Jesus Christ! I will send it now"

I dropped the call at that assurance. Pacing around the balcony with a heavy heart. If only Amaya sends this...


I sighed at the sound of that. Swiping my screen, I quickly opened the message. Without a delay, I dialed the number. I hope he is with him.

"Please" I mumbled to myself.

At the third ring, he picked.


"Hi, Dan"I heaved a sigh of relief.


"Are you with Bryan?"I asked without introducing myself.

"Trex?"He asked.

"Yeah" I answered.

"Oh, I am not with him. Are you ok?"

"How can I be? It's 11 pm and he isn't at home, nor picking my calls. I am panicking right now thinking something must have happened to him Daniel" my voice cracked and I sobbed.

"Hey! Hey! Trex please don't cry, he is fine. When did you see him today?"

"We had lunch, then...we argued and he left. I...haven't seen him since then" I said in between tears.

"Come on, stop crying. I think I know where you can find him."He says softly

"Oh my God! Where? where?"

"You know Rose garden?" he asked.

"Yes! Is... he... there?"I asked half hoping to hear a no, and at the same time wishing he will say yes.

"He called this evening and asked me to come, but called again and said I shouldn't come anymore. But I guess, he might still be there."

"Thank you, Dan. I should go"

"Do you need me to come with you?" he asked.

"Don't worry"I answered but wishing he'd go with me.

I hope this goes well.

"Alright, don't drive, you should take a taxi. I don't think it's good if you drive this tensed up"

"Ok, I will take a taxi" I replied.

"Take care"

I dropped the call and ran into the house to grab a jacket and make my way to Rose garden. Wishing deeply it doesn't have a nightmare that will haunt me.


Bryan's pov

I shook my head at the green-haired girl. Declining Tony's fifth arranged booty call.

The girl rolled her eyes at me and walked out. Leaving me with the last annoying, smack of gum.

Dude! I turned and glared at her retreating figure. These hoes are rude! What the hell? I feel so annoyed right now. That bitch didn't just...

"Ok, you just declined another. I am ordering more drinks since that's all you adhere to"Tony says while flagging down a waiter.

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