Chapter 7

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"What-are you-doing-here?" I stuttered in a voice that I couldn't recognize.

I know I didn't catch her straddling my man, but you don't have to tell me you know my best friend better than I do. I can't trust her with him.

Worse-in a bikini. This is not the friendship we signed for. I felt pain enveloping my body, my heart ached and my tear glands broke at that moment.

"Oh my God! Trex... I'm..." she palms her mouth.

Have I done any wrong unknowingly to Amaya? If I did, there are so many ways she could've hurt me, but this.

"God! Amaya!"I cried.

"I didn't..." she looked away.


"I was- I'm " She covers her mouth again, avoiding eye contact.

Bryan should have hurt me with someone else, then I wouldn't feel betrayed at once, by the two most important people in my life. I will be broken when I realize this is not a dream, and I'm not going to be blamed for what will happen. Because rather than dying in pain, I will murder both.

"Ama..."I was cut short by laughter from a distance, Bryan's laughter. So now, he will come to know that I know what he knows. Nothing is forever hidden under the sun, right?

He is cheating on me with my best friend. My childhood bestie! He should have done better, I can easily forgive him if it was with another. Its been Amaya all this while? I wonder how long this has been on.

Here is the reason why Bryan hasn't married me yet right? He was seeing her. They should have been smarter. Ever heard about when a good person turns evil? they do worse than the SIN creator.

I turned furiously towards the direction of the laughter, but a hand dragged me.

"Enough of this Drama, they shouldn't see you crying" She wipes my tears with her palm.

I felt irritated and almost slapped her, but, What? Drama? They? Who are they?

"Bitch! What are you thinking again, I am here with Daniel. They were busy inside and I got bored, so I wanted to use the pool, Bryan offered me your bikini. And I have been alone out here for 2hours" She huffed at her last sentence.

"Jesus Christ Amaya!" my mouth jaw dropped.

So this isn't what I thought it was. Amaya didn't betray me, Bryan wasn't cheating on me, no one hurt me. I can't believe I already murdered them both in my mind.

Amaya laughed and I slapped her shoulder.

"Stop this, I don't like it, Amaya"

I turned to see Bryan and Daniel approaching us.

"Hey, smile, smile, your face looks like shit right now!"Amaya giggled.

I grinned "Is this better?"

"Eww, nope! Just close your mouth and take a deep breath"

I did so.

"Good" She taps my shoulder.

"Hey, Trex" I heard Daniel call behind me.

"What's up?" I smiled, hoping I wasn't forcing it.

"I am good and hungry" he answers.

"You didn't give them anything Bryan?" I turned to him and found his eyes hovering over my face.

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