Chapter 11

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"Hey babes"

"Omg Trexie we were so worried about you?" Vivi cooed.

"I am sorry guys"

"Dude your man be bugging us about you!"Amaya screams.

I sighed.

"Why didn't you contact any of us?"Vivi asks

"I am so sorry how do I explain to Bryan I lost my phone in my fangirl mode, at Taylor swift's concert. He would think I'm clowning"


"Yeah, and I need to tell you two something Bryan doesn't know about"I started.

"Oh my God! Are you pregnant?"Vivi gasps.

And on cue, Amaya began to sing.

"Happy pregnant to you!"

"Yay!" Vivi backs up

I rolled my eyes at their antics

"Happy pregnant to you!"


"Happy pregnant, Dear Trexie, Happy pregnant to you!!!"Amaya finishes on a high note.

"Hip hip hip!"Vivi screams

"Twins!"Amaya giggles after her word

"Will you two give me a minute" I pleaded.

Vivi and Amaya kept mute immediately.

I sighed for the hundredth time today. Thinking of where to start from.

"So if you are not pregnant, what's is it l? "Vivi asks.

"Nico lied, the trip was no business," I said, getting slightly annoyed again.

"Why am I not so surprised "Vivi scoffs.

"How do you explain the five days you stayed?" Amaya asks.

"It was all a planned vacation for his firm's crew, I don't know why he felt the need to hide that from me"


"He said it was a vacation for us from the office. I recognized a few faces from our office, and some other crew members from the US"

I continued.

" When I threw tantrums on flying back, it became all work from that time, he scheduled important meetings. I had to stay back. On our first day, I found out that he bought a ticket for me beforehand for the concert. That's where I lost my phone. And then I couldn't get a contact to connect with you all."

"Nico took me to a lot of rich events, some he asked that I played his date, instead of his secretary. Some days he comes saying he wants to see a movie, a game to play and so many things to do. He had all the fun putting me in this mess" I hissed.

"All he could have done was ask"Vivi sighs.

"I hope nothing went wrong?"Amaya asks in a serious tone.

I was thankful.

"He stayed modest" I replied

"We told you Nico has the hots for you" Vivi chuckles.

"I know that right?"I smirked

"He wanted to spend time with you so bad" Amaya chips in.

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