Chapter 22

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This chapter contains a major flashback. This would explain a lot. But if you don't like to read a lot of flashbacks, you can skip to the next chapter.

"Remember two months ago when you travelled with your company managers?"

I nod subtly, getting uncomfortable with the start of it. I think I don't need this now.

As if noticing my lack of interest, she frowned and said.

"I really shouldn't be talking to you, you know right? And if you don't want to listen, you can go. I wasn't expecting you, neither did I invite you" Vivi said and folded her arms on her chest.

I sighed and got comfortable on the couch. If they have nothing to say, they wouldn't be acting stingy with the words. It shows they have something I would kill to know.

"Ok, go on then"

She sighed and kept mute for a minute, before deciding to talk to a desperate me.

"Two months ago when you travelled, Trexie came over to stay with me for just a week. One of those days, we went out to pick groceries, when he approached us."


While Vivi held the cart, Trexie walked around picking groceries.

"Hey" a voice called behind them

They looked at him, and he smiled just at Trexie.

Trexie ignored him and continued her shopping.

"umm...I'm sorry, you just look like someone I know" Tony said to her

She ignored him.

"Didn't you attend Genesis primary school?" Tony asked.

This getting Trexie's interest piqued, she looked over her shoulder.

Tony smiles"wow, you look just like her. And I will be marvelled if you aren't the one"

"But...I don't think I know you" Trexie said with one brow raised.

"Umm, her name is what I can't remember" He puts on a thinking mode.

"Really?" Trexie simply said and continued her shopping.

"Treasure?" he asked.

Trexie shook her head and turned back to him, this intriguing her. Maybe really the guy knows her.

"Tee?" he asked again.

She shook her head.

"Thecla?" He asked

She shook her head.


She shook her head and bit her bottom lip to stifle a laugh.

"Mm, I know it's a T name...Tessy...Tessy...Treasure...Tre...Trexie!!!" He chuckles and points his index finger at her.

Trexie smiles and nods "Yeah"

"Trexie, wow! it took me so long to remember "

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