Chapter 1

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Sleep one thing I can't overlook, which is... I don't ever like to be disturbed until I choose to wake. Don't ever wake me! One reason I never put a waking alarm. But this morning, as I lay still on the bed as though my life depended on it, my phone keeps going on and off, and I wondered in my half-asleep state when I had put the damn alarm.

It can't be morning already, because I just went to bed a few minutes ago. That was 8 pm.

I recognized the tone and it occurred to me that it was an incoming call. So I tossed roughly on my bed, mumbling nonexistent curses, as I reached for my phone on the nightstand without looking at the caller's identity.

"Yeah?" I asked with my eyes closed.

"You scared me! Thought you died!" came in the unfamiliar voice.

Removing the phone from my ear. A second offense, calling late and screaming at me like some crazed psycho.

"Who is this? and why calling this late at night!" I raged with my eyes still closed.

"Wow...Baby don't tell me you're still in bed?"The male voice asked.

It was then I opened my eyes squinting, to look at the caller's identity. Bryan

Do you think it's weird that I don't recognize voices when I'm freshly woken? Well, I do. My body hasn't fully woken yet, so are the organs. Even if the house was on fire, I wouldn't wake. I could be kidnapped too. So this must be his 20th call before I picked.

I groaned. "Babe this late. I'll have to call you back. I just went to bed two minutes ago" I yawned, still with my eyes closed.

" Seriously? 11 am? Are you practicing how to be dead? " Bryan asked, and I could imagine him smirking, but I had a better imagination on my mind. Sleeping

" No babe..." I yawned again, trying to signal him that I mean to sleep away in 0seconds. It was then something rang on my head and I sprang from the bed.

"You said 11 what? "My eyes went to my clock. 10 minutes past 11 "Holy shit!"

"No this shit ain't holy, because someone is getting fired today" Bryan chuckles

"No way!"

"Yes way" He chuckles again

I dropped my phone on the bed, pacing the room while running my fingers on my hair. What have I gotten myself into?

" Baby?"

"Hello...Baby?" Bryan's voice came from where I tossed my phone. I ignored him, and ran to the bathroom, not until I heard him say...

" I just hope you haven't fainted. But if you did, call me when you wake up. Bye!"


I arrived at the office and went straight to my Boss's office. Opening the door fearfully, there he sat looking at me in disgust.

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