Chapter 25

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"Look Bryan, I  don't want you inviting me to your stress"

"She won't pick my call!" I said through gritted teeth.

"If you weren't thinking with your anus would..."

"Hey, Daniel! this is no time to apportion blames or tell me my sins"

"I forgot" he simply said and sipped his juice.

I looked defeated and broken, and let my eyes wander around his apartment. Why wouldn't he help me?

"Dan, this is a cry for help" I turned and said quietly to him.

He ignored me and glued his eyes to his television.

"You should be helping me, man!" I yelled in a frustrated voice.

"If her girlfriends refused to help you, you think I will? If they refused to tell you where she is, you think I will? Look, the only thing I  know they're doing that I'm not doing is talking to you" he said with a knowing nod.

"You can act harsh and supervillain later, just tell me what I need to know damn!!" I said through gritted teeth and stamped my foot on the ground.

"Jeez Wilson!" he backed off and dropped his glass cup of juice on a table beside him.

"Stop making me look stupid if you can't help me" I glared at him.

"Fine, you lost Trex and you want her back. It's more like, you just saw her and you like her but approaching her seems so hard. You have to suffer to talk to the girl, you have to strive hard to get to her. That's how it works"

I didn't let a second pass and I rose to my feet, about to make my way out of this uncultured bitch boy's house.

"Hold on hold on!" he stood up and held my arm tightly.

He began to laugh and I  wondered if he had a heart at all.

He continued laughing and instead of leaving, I stood and watched him laugh at my misery. I felt the sting in my eyes, I can endure it as long as he tells me her location.

"You have no choice" he laughed again.

I only had to look away so he doesn't see the tears threatening to come out.

Get hold of yourself Bryan.

"It's more like, I know this girl you love. She's my friend and you want her really bad. And I'm the only one who would help you talk to the girl. I love how it sounds" he chuckled and nodded at his villain antics.

"Will you..."

"Calm down...I will help you. But you must remember that I gave her to you this time. You didn't find her as you did in college. I did find her for you" He smiles

  "So you owe me Bro" he grabbed his phone from the couch and winked at me.

My brain was like a ticking time bomb and it needed to be deactivated. If not it will cause great damage, and if Daniel doesn't hasten up, I won't be blamed for what I would do to him. He has crawled deep into my skin with his acts.

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