Chapter 10

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Bryan's Pov

Should I have trusted her? Did I do any wrong in trusting her? Damn! She fucking eloped!!! She hasn't called since her departure, I was supposed to have her foreign number by now, that's what we've been doing.

You travel out and the first thing you do is get a new contact and call your significant other. So we could know how we both fared. Why didn't she do it this time? Or should I doubt that I'm no longer her significant other?

I think I have messed up. Jesus Christ!

What have I done to Trexie? Man, I think I have hurt her, so she ran away. No, but I didn't! Trexie has a way of showing her emotions, I could always read her easily.

So I haven't done anything! But...what if...shit! Shit! Shit!!! I think I know why...Damn!

Is she that desperate to marry? Is it because I'm not showing any interest in wanting to tie the knot with her? Does she think she has been wasting her time with me?

...has Nico promised her marriage? Jesus! What if...what if that's it? Does he want to marry her? Does she want to marry?

No no no! I don't want to believe it. We've been together for a long now and this isn't the way we should separate. I know my Baby.

But... I don't know why my heart is beating frantically. Is she being wedded now? Is my girlfriend being given the eternity ring somewhere now? Is she being pronounced someone's wife now?

Heavens scream No to me! I think I'm losing it.

I should have proposed to her! Should I call her and ask her to marry me? Or text her? But how? I can't contact her! I need to put a sign that the woman belongs to me and is mine forever.

What? A tag? A barge? Umm, should I buy a ring for her and put it on her ring finger. I won't propose to her but it's still a back-off sign to dudes our there. It's going to be between us, nobody will know I didn't propose to her. I don't want to get married. Not now, not soon! That shit scares me!

Even a relationship of five years was hard to handle, and a marriage? I definitely might get choked.

Don't pity me!!! I am about to lose a woman I love to a broke Nico, but that guy has a real fashion sense, Trex loves that kind of man.

He can't stand on sale with me, he'd turn to an expired good. But I feel insecure.

"Man relax"Tony laughs.

"I am doing my best"I replied with a shaky voice.

"Can you stop imagining? You gonna hurt your imaginations man" He laughs again. Seemly amused by my frustration.

"4days man, 4days!! What kind of business is that?"

He laughs again"I am sorry but you need to relax come on." He pours wine for me in a glass cup.

I collected it and sipped.

"You're an ambitious man Bryan, and you shouldn't let a woman destroy you. You are deeply in love with her and it's bad cause you'd be the one to get hurt at the end "Tony says.

"I love her but so does she. You..."I was cut in.

"They make you believe that women are like traps set for men, and obstacles we are to overcome to make ourselves better men. They are dangerous"


"Why don't you let her go? Break up with her and be a free man, you are too young to be tied to only one woman though. Have fun, live life. This life? We only live it once. Enjoy it while it lasts. When the judgment day approaches, we shall all repent, but before then we have swum in the fun opportunities life offered to us."He preaches.

"Tony yiu think this is funny.."

"I am not trying to be funny, it's not a secret anymore Bryan, she has indirectly told you who she wants to be with"He continues.

I shook my head, trying not to let those words get to my head.
"Trex can't do that to me" I assured myself.

"I must say I feel your pain. A devil could be close to us and we wouldn't know. I am not sure you know who your girlfriend truly is"

No this is not some type of movie or storybook, where the person you trust with all your heart betrays you. And leaves you wondering why life never gave you signs.

This is not a Wizkid or Lil Kesh song "Fake Love"

This is my life, Trexie hasn't been showing m,e fake love?

Yay or Nay?🤔

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