Chapter 20

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"You can at least brief me, come on"

"He would soon be joining me, hold on until I get home honey "

Amaya wouldn't stop until I fill her in right?

"Please please, just say a few" she pleads again.

I guess I'm right then.

"I was the one who gave you the idea, so you better fill me in right now!"

I sighed. That's right too. She is the mastermind behind this whole thing.

Her words "Babe I don't know about you, but I wouldn't allow anybody to shred my relationship into thin pieces before my eyes. Find Bryan, act as nothing had happened, I would swear he will accept you with wide arms. If it goes south, I believe you can handle it without any further ado. Then you can tell him all he needs to know about the devil. I expect you two to fight together against what's attacking your union.

"So bring your sexy ass on and cancel your trip to Enugu. Your parents can wait, but this man ain't"

I adhered to her idea and returned to my apartment, only for me to see Bryan Wilson in my apartment, standing in his full glory. But he had this thin dot of fear in his eyes when I entered.

He must have thought I left town.

"Trexie are you still there?" Amaya cuts into my reverie.

"Yeah" I replied looking around for any sign of Bryan coming out.

"Ok Bitch spill"

I giggled.

Bryan's parents just left, and we were on our way out when we stumbled on someone he called his client. I had to excuse myself while they talked, he wouldn't take much time to come out knowing that I'm here waiting.

So tell me how I would fill this girl in, in just two minutes. Girls don't gist that briefly and she's no stranger to that.

I mean, I'm talking about Amaya here. She would prefer a pack of gist to a pack of sweets.

"Talk!!!" she yells over the phone.

"Oh my God! I will alright ?"

She giggled "ok"

I sighed and walked to the car, I should better keep my body to rest, in these five-inch heels, while I talk to my psychotic gist craving bestie.

"I returned to my apartment that day we spoke, maybe to unpack my box, or to know if I could do what you've asked me to do. Then I saw him..."

"Mm," She made for me to continue.

My eyes got hooked at the figure before me. " seeing him..." I muttered incomprehensibly.

"You saw him yeah...continue"

"I am seeing him"

"What are you talking about Trexie?"

"Amaya I will have to call you back "I glared at my audience.

"Trex are you..."I cut the call immediately letting her words die down.

My veins threatened to pop out of my head. My fist began to clench and unclench, my breathing increased as my chest heaved. I have never felt so enraged in my life.

Whatever gave him the effrontery to stand before me with the sly smirk he had on, will be wiped away by my hands assaulting his face.

"It's been a while Trex"

"The guts Tony?"

"To stand before you, or to walk back into your life?" He grins.

The wave that came with his sudden appearance, made me nauseous. He was a mixture of evil and trouble. I was devising a means of revealing who he truly was, and he had to show up in my face like I'd appreciate seeing a devil.

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