Chapter 6.

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Trexie's POV

Taking those painful positions, alerted me that I was still in bed, past my wake time, and should probably wake up. I opened my eyes slowly so they could adjust to the brightness of the room.

Bryan's room? Huh? I sat up gently when I looked beside me and saw him typing on his laptop, with his back resting on the nightstand. He didn't acknowledge my presence? What have...oh! Ummm... I scratched the nape of my neck, remembering my sins.

I scooted closer to him "B-Baby" he still ignored me. I covered the space between us and wrapped my palm on his neck. Moving closer to his neck, I whispered "Baby, Good Morning" I kissed his cheek.

"Morning" He replied curtly.

"I waited for you, but fell asleep because I was having a headache"

"Mmm," he just hummed, his attention still on his laptop.

"I am sorry, please forgive me" I wrapped my two hands on his neck, and rested my head on his shoulder. Hopefully, he can give me his attention now.

"Mmm," He hummed again.

Arghh! My tear glands peeped their heads.

"Baby... I'm sorry "I sobbed.

"Hey!" He grabs my jaw so he could see my face. "I have forgiven you. And you won't talk to me that way again right?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I won't ever try it "I nodded with each yes and pouted my lips.

"Right?" He asks.

And I nodded again.

"Okay," He utters.

I looked down still feeling ashamed of my previous acts.

"Babe?"He called.

I looked up immediately. Does he want to take back his forgiveness?

"Mm?" my eyes widen.

He chuckles and kept his laptop on the desk. Turning back to me "You know what your face looks like now?"

I shook my head and that made him laugh.

He dragged my arm and I scooted closer to him. He cupped my chin"Don't worry, you're still beautiful" I blushed. He brings his face closer to mine, with his eyes fixated on mine as he edges further, I closed my eyes ready to feel the fireworks that go off on my head whenever he kisses me. But at the verge of my sweet anticipation, I only felt his hot breath on my face and his palm still placed delicately on my cheek. I pepped through my closed eyes and found him smirking at me. I popped both eyes open immediately and asked.

"What?" It came out as a whisper.

With his smirk still on display, he stared at my eyes and that left me wondering.

"What's wrong?" Another whisper.

He said nothing and his gaze goes to my lips, and I didn't know what to feel at the moment. He edges closer and within a second our lips met. My eyes were still wide open, trying to comprehend what has just happened when he tickled me.

"Thinking while I'm kissing you?" He tickles me again.

"Hahaha-aaahh-ha-haha" I fell flat on the bed, and he straddled me still tickling me.

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