Chapter 9

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"No, I didn't go"

"Why? You changed your mind?"

"No, Bryan did"

"Ah..."I could hear the disappointment in her voice.

"Is alright though, I already called my boss"

"What did he say?"Vivi asked quickly.

"Not what I expected, he wasn't mad. He said he had other important appointments too. "I explained.

"Just...that?" she asked.

"Yeah, promising to give me heads up soon"

" know you shouldn't be mad at Bryan."She chips in.

I should be! Bryan is just being dramatic. One minute he says I should, then the other I shouldn't. He owns companies, how does he not know about scheduled international meetings.

I am talking about my Job here.

But I know I wouldn't listen to him, if not that I have begun to have a second thought about my trip.

And of course, I haven't told anyone, but I plan to quit my job and draw out that page that often causes me and Bryan to argue.

"And why shouldn't I be mad?" I asked.

"He isn't used to you going on trips with your boss"

"Geez, why do you all suspect Nico has it hot for me? I swear if he was still an ass to me you all wouldn't be raising your brows?"

"Yeah that's true, but we don't want the case of " if I had known"

I sighed.

"I don't even want to believe Bryan is scared of that happening. He trusts me, but I'm all mad right now that a simple trip is causing all of these"

"You're right. Nico might just be nice, or he likes you. This theory would've come up, even if you didn't mention this trip. But again it's your job, and you're all about business. I am sorry, maybe Bryan would come around, or you do your thing"

"I guess I'll talk to you later "

"Ok boo"


I dropped the call and tossed my phone on the couch. Sighing, I buried my face in my palms.

Why did Bryan suddenly change his mind? Why? Does he think my Job is a joke? Why does he keep finding a way to piss me the hell off recently? What's with him? If it is about my safety, I'm certainly safe because we got close recently. If it was back then, I'd be screaming for help now.

Does he also think Nico likes me?

I didn't give Nico any reason for canceling, because I was blank. What should be the reason, definitely he's still gonna ask. Oh, heavens help...

I was snapped out of my reverie by the doorbell. The second one came again. I stood up and headed to the door.

Opening, Bryan walked in.

I ignored him and went back to my position. He followed and sat close to me; grabbing my hand delicately like he feared I will lose it and hit him.

"I am sorry" He apologies.


"Please Baby" He crosses his arm over my shoulder, so I will be sandwiched to him.

I still kept mute.

"Baby I'm truly sorry," He says again.

"When you've put me at the edge of being fired, "I said pissed.

"Ok, give me his contact, I will call him"He offers.

"No, I have spoken to him already" I replied

"So were you fired?"He asks with the tone of hope in his voice.

I sat up and glared at him.

"Sorry" He blinks innocently.

"I wasn't fired and I'm not!"I almost screamed.

"What did he say? What was his reaction?"He asked in a go.

"He wasn't mad" I clarified his anxious mind.

I purposely maintained a straight face and my eyes open resisting a blink. Because I wanted to see his expression. Just like I hoped...his jaw dropped at my revelation.

So I continued."Meaning, it might be something he can easily fix"

"Is he the one hosting the meeting, how did he fix it? And What excuse did you offer him?"He asked

"I offered nothing because you didn't give me your reasons for stopping me"


I arched my brows.

"He didn't ask what your excuses were and he is not mad at you?"He asks.

"Yes," I replied.

"Wtf!" He cussed.

I frowned. "Bryan are you happy for me or do you harbour any evil hope in there?"

"Sorry" he muttered.

I cleared my throat "So if he fixes it, I should go then?"

"Yeah, you should go" I saw the line of a frown on his face, but chose to ignore it.

I honestly don't comprehend his behaviour recently.

"Am I taking your word for that?"

He coughs"Yes"

"Yay!!"I exclaimed and hugged him.

Bryan antics 5% or 10%?

Oops! Short chapter
Noticed my chapters are kinda long, so I'll be making it short. And I know not if my readers want a short or long chapter.

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