Chapter 4

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With my head resting on Bryan's shoulder, running my hand on his muscular-toned arm. Our gaze was on the television as we watched the Drama titled "My home".
I snapped my head up when a scene came up, Ken just proposed to Cynthia.

"Is this the trend now?"I asked, a bit annoyed.


"It seems like everywhere I go I see a wedding or an engagement, "I said to him, over his shoulder.

"Really?"He asked dryly.

"Yeah, just a day before yesterday, I met my secondary school classmate at the mall, and she told me she just wedded. That same night, I found out my friend Prissy is married. Today at the park, now the television." I huffed at the last part.

"Baby" he yawned, making his disinterest obvious.

"What?"I snapped.

"Were you telling me to give you any advice?" He smirked at me.

I straightened up and made to get away from him, but he grabbed my arm.

"Going somewhere?"

I ignored him and tried to loosen his grip on me.

"Hey, hey! Come here you cute thang" he laughs lowly and held me tight to his body.

"How do you always know a wrong thing to say, and still say it ?"I asked.

"Didn't know why you were telling me. Sorry" he pats me "Are you sick of seeing it?" He arches his brows at me mockingly.

"No, I'm not, I can perceive mine. Right?" I wiggled my brows.

"What!"He exclaimed.

"Sorry, did I say something wrong?" I asked, looking intently at him.

Bryan laughs quietly"No you didn't"He pats my hair, but I saw the smirk he wore.

What's with him now? I only said I could tell mine is close. And he is acting like I said his worst thought.


"Ugh..." He grabs a pillow and covered his face.

Why is he being dramatic now?

"What's wrong? Did I fart?" I asked. Not knowing what more could have caused his reaction.

He laughs, the pillow muffling the sounds. "I'm in no position to tell if you gassed. Wait did you fart?" He removed the pillow and glanced at me with a horrified face.

You should have just said, how much you want to change the topic darling.

"I will if you want me to" I smirked at him knowingly.

He just laughed and looked at the television smilingly, saying nothing.

I too have decided to let it die down. But for him? Maybe not.

"Why do girls take the advantage of cuddling, to ask profound questions?"

I glanced at him and found his eyes fixated on me. I swallowed and carefully grabbed back the pillow.

Propose to me 💍 (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now