Chapter 26

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Amaya yanks a pillow at Daniel and left him laughing.

"Get for me too" he chuckles.

She returns with two sodas, throwing one at him as she got comfortable on the couch.

"Good girl" he beams at her and she smirked.

Turning her attention back to the television, she hisses.  "I am not following anymore"

"I am happy to be your distraction" he winks.

"Thank you?" She asked.

Daniel laughed.

"Whatever, I forgot to ask have you seen the woman for your plans yet?" she asked turning to face him.

"Yeah, I will be rounding it off by weekend"

"Wow! You..." her phone buzzes on the couch.

"Excuse me" she grabbed her phone and swiped on the screen.

"Wassup?" she puts it on a loudspeaker.

"I'm good. Where are you?" Vivi asked.

"Where else?"

"Oh, I forgot my baby got a man now" Vivi squealed.

Daniel glanced at Amaya and smirked.

"I am just using him for now" She teases.

Daniel jaw dropped while Vivi laughed.

"You are kidding right?" she asked

Glancing at Daniel's shocked face, she giggled. "And if I'm not? " she pokes her tongue at him and giggled again.

Daniel held his chest like he'd been hurt and sighed.

"Whatever, drama bitch. fiancee arrived earlier today. We are fixing a vacation and it should be this weekend."

"Oh poor me, you're gonna leave me all alone. Trex isn't even back"


Daniel stood up and strode towards the door.

"I'm sorry girl, I didn't plan it this way," Vivi said softly.

Bryan and Trexie walked in.

"My God! It's Trex!!!" she tossed her phone on the couch and ran to Trexie's embrace.

"My baby" Trexie cooed.

"I missed you so much Tee" she pouts her bottom lip.

"I missed you too..."

"Amaya pick me up wherever you threw me at!!!" Vivi's screamed from the phone on the couch

They all busted out laughing.

Amaya picked her phone off the couch. "Sorry babe"

"Mami!" Trexie squealed.

"Aww, my love" Vivi coos.

"Trex she said she's travelling"

"Really? Is he back?" She asked.

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