Chapter 2

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Pictures from their romantic trip to Miami.

Pictures from their romantic trip to Miami

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I and Bryan arrived back in Lagos, Nigeria on a Sunday night

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I and Bryan arrived back in Lagos, Nigeria on a Sunday night. Cutting whatever plan Bryan had for a vacation because my Boss had sent tons of messages to me, trying to understand what part of "I would lose this job that I didn't understand".

This definitely would make Bryan the happiest man, but I wasn't just about to see him get happy with such news.

Stepping down from my car, I re-read my Boss's messages, with my heart beating frantically. I shut my phone and took in a long breath, hopefully, it would be enough for me to go in, and pick up my sack letter, and make it out here, before I run out of it and make a greater fool of myself.

Making my way into the office, ready to face whatever. I made it to my desk and decided to drop my bag before going to meet the man who would pronounce"You're fired" to my hearing for the first time.

The door behind me opened and he stepped out.

Wait, when did I turn? Shit! The look on his face shot an invisible arrow to my ribs.

I didn't realize my mouth has been in the shape of an "O" until I saw him raise his hands and pinch his two fingers together.

JESUS! way to go Trexie! Regaining my composure, I greeted. "Good...Good morning Sss Sir" I stuttered.

He kept mute and watched me intently, forcing my eyes to find love with the floor. I almost counted to 30, when I heard the exit door shut.

" Oh dang" I crashed on my chair, releasing the breath that I didn't know I was depriving myself.

Someone remind me not to ever take this risk again.

*** Home
I rushed to the door at the sound of the doorbell.

"Oh you two" I giggled as Amaya, and Vivi walked in.

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