Chapter 13

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Relationship fights? One of those things I can't take well. Once it gets to the point of ignoring each other, it's as though a part of me has died. I feel empty and lonely. It hurts me much this moment because I feel a tad guilty.

Right now, I just yearn to lock myself up and cry till thy kingdom come. So, I'm just going to round off and leave the office, to tend to my sanity.

I heard the door click open, but decided not to look up.

I opened the file, flipping through the pages, literally blanked out as my eyes hoovers around the pages. Anything that will make me not lock eyes with him.

"Hy, "Nico says, standing close to my desk.

I ignored him and continued whatever I was doing.

"Come In!" He sits on my desk

"Are you still mad at me?" he asks quietly, but I still choose to ignore him.

I dropped the file and got another to do absolutely nothing with it as I've done with others.

"I am so sorry Trex, I just didn't know how to tell you that It was a vacation, because I know you would decline"

"Please... I'm sorry Trexie, forgive me for going about it wrongly."

"Trex come' on" he grabs my palm.

I stopped at that moment and looked at our hands together, almost 10secs and I set mine free from his.

"Trex, I'm sorry, don't be this way, please. I will go on my knees if you want" He stated rather than asking.

As he stepped down from the desk and walked round to get to me. I eyed his movement, knowing my next move. When he knelt, I quickly grabbed my phone and stuffed it into my bag, standing up.

I straightened my skirt and pushed the chair closer to the desk. Turning to leave he grabbed my ankle.

"No don't be like that, I'm truly sorry" He grips on a little bit tighter.

I sighed and looked at where he held me.

"Oh sorry" he lets go and coughed aside.

Without a second wasted, I strode out of the office, but with the company of shuffling feet behind me.

"Damn! Hold on Trexie" he called after me.

I got out of my own office and made it to the exit. On the top floor, I only shared it with him, if I had to go to the down floor, would he act like this in front of his staff?

I was about to throw the door open, and he grabbed my hand again blocking my way.

"Trexie I am sorry, just stop, "He says in between breaths. 

I tried to free my hand from his grasp, but he gripped on tightly. Is he being like this at work?

"Please Trex"

"Leave my hand" I finally said as I struggled to get it free.

He persists and intertwines our fingers, as long as he was still in contact and able to stop me from moving.

"I am truly sorry," he apologized in remorse.

Bryan's Pov

"I hope this goes well" I sighed and made my way in.

Mmm, I have been to this office before but walking in now, I'm having chills like it's my first time.

I ran my palm on my arm while puffing out breaths. Common it's just Trex, I said to myself. I don't understand why I'm feeling this way. Maybe it is because an angry Trexie is scary.

Now everything seems to be my fault.

Trexie's Pov

"I don't want to talk about it now, just let me go! I am in no mood for this" I tried wrinkling my palms-free, for the umpteenth time.

"I don't know, but you look strangely off, and I can't help to think I might have caused it" I detected his voice breaking at each word.

"I am ok, I just don't want to talk"

"You..."I was cut short when he pulled me to his body, and our chest collided.

My eyes widen at his sudden move, I felt his arms wrap around my back, and my breathing increases. As he held me tightly to himself like I would disappear if he'd let go.

"What are you doing?" I protested a bit.

He kept mute, still pressed on me.

If I didn't have the intuition that Nico likes me, maybe I wouldn't feel uncomfortable with him hugging me.

And if he didn't like me that way.

I would still be uncomfortable with it.

"I am not comfortable with this Nico," I said, without minding a bit, that I had just called my Boss by his name. I mean this has gone way unprofessional.

"I am sorry" I heard him sniffle. 

I sighed and relaxed in his arms.

Oh oh...not how I pictured this to be. My eyes involuntarily widen. Bryan! standing close to the exit with his eyes clouded with anger, shooting death daggers at me.

Before I could say a thing, he leaves at once.

"Oh my God!" I gasped.

"I am sorry" Nico releases his grip on me and looked down, oblivious of what just happened.

I glanced at him and then at the exit. With my legs shaking I pushed myself out of the office, running after Bryan.

"No, no no!" I screamed on my way out.

I made it outside, with just one shoe on.

My gaze land on his retreating car, and my hands traveled the way up to my hair as I pulled at it, inflicting more pain to myself.

I cried. "God help me..."


Bryan, why did you have to see that?

I told y'all that I'll squeeze out time. Here we go!

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