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Story Type (novel, short story, flash fiction, etc.) :

Review type: (add one of the following reviews, but read below first to know what each one includes)

- Read & Comment

- Target feedback

- Story element review

- Plot review

- Classic book review *limited*


Note: Each review includes feedback on the title, blurb, and cover and covers only the first few chapters, except for Read & Comment and Story Element Review, which cover more chapters.

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❤️ Read & Comment

Best for: Fast delivery + more chapters read.

This is a simple form of feedback from a reader's perspective. So not exactly a review of your work, but a reaction to it via comments, picking up on the details. At the end, I could give a general overview. 

💛 Target feedback

Best for: Fast delivery + clearing up your doubt

Feedback for 1 of 2 possible targets, honing in a specific area of your story. A question or concern on your story:

- Question: (Ex: Is the inciting incident strong enough?)

- Concern: (Ex: I'm not sure if I should include three characters in the first chapter. I fear the reader will be overwhelmed by their different personalities.)

💚Story element review

Best for: Fast delivery + improvements for your story in one area

Review of one selected story element such as: (PLEASE ADD WHICH ONE)

- Characters
- Pacing
- Dialogue
- Setting
- Backstory
- Conflict

💙 Plot Review

Best for: Feedback on plot (Slow delivery)

- Exposition (introduction)
- Inciting Incident
- Conflict
- Cliffhangers
- Pacing & chapter length
- Setting

 💜 Classic Book Review *limited*

Best for: Overall (Slow delivery)

- Beginning
- General Plot
- Characters
- Writing Technique
- Tips (for improvement)
- Final Impression

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