🆕 ANNOUNCEMENT: reopening + new upgrades! 🆕

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After a long hiatus from Wattpad, you could say I'm coming back!

This time, I'm finding a way to manage the time I spend on my l writing projects , but more importantly this review book, so I don't get overwhelmed.

That is if you guys still want to hand in your work for review. This book can only go on if you are interested!

Before I move on, i'd like to share two projects I'm working on. One, I just posted a book of poems which I'll be updating frequently, if you wanna check it out.

Two, I doing an art challenge called Peachtober. An artwork a day for the month of October. My profile is sunnysonasis on Instagram. I wouldn't mind the support!

Ok, let's continue.

So what's changing with this review book?

First of all, I'd like to start a discussion with everyone of ways to bring better help to the table, before entries are reopened. As you all know, the classic book review was super helpful for writers. But it took an immense amount of time to make one quality review.

So before I thought why not make this a paid service? Give some and take some, right? But most are more willing to find a different free service. Honestly I would too. A better solution might be  further options of paid services.

For now, though, let's just focus on the new upgrades that can be done. (So yes, that means the upgrades will be FREE, you're welcome)

Please head to the Discussion Page where everyone can share their ideas. We need to reach a conclusion before the entries are open again!


- Sunny

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