22# The Prep's Diary: How The Prep Became So Preppy (Questions & Concerns)

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Book: The Prep's Diary: How The Prep Became So Preppy
Author: Superwicked
Genre: chick lit
Story Type: Novel
Chapters read: 2


To be honest, the title sounds a bit tacky. But I'm assuming you're a young writer, so this vibe sort of works. However, I strongly suggest something more catchy or creative. Do you have any other options?

The cover...needs some work. Read on for my advice.

The blurb is passable but is missing originality. A lot of books already are about exs, boy drama, and new friends. That's nothing new. So what we need in the blurb is a twist, something that will set your story apart and compel us to read it. Something unexpected, some conflict, etc.



C: I'm worried that I'm not writing my characters to the best of their abilities or just using stereotypes.

 First of all, what do you mean by "to the best of their abilities"? Do you mean to ask if the characters could be improved or written with more depth? 

Well, here's what to do in such a case. First, you should make sure each character has a distinct role. Everyone should further the plot in some way, create conflict, etc. If not, why are they there? We certainly don't want filler characters!

Next, give them qualities, flaws, interests, personality...make them human. Humans are complicated. And in your story, they existed before chapter one. So make sure they are fleshed out. You can draft up some character development lists for your important characters with these elements. If you want to go further, research is a wonderful step forward.



Q: Do my characters feel interesting, is my cover plain and how do I fix that?

This question is more or less the same as the concern; "Could my characters be improved?" The answer is yes. As far as interest goes, I feel like we need some in-depth backstory about the protagonist. We need to be emotionally attached to her. As for the rest of the characters, it is important to layer character descriptions through dialogue and action. We don't want a quick paragraph telling us a character has brown eyes, brown sick, and brown hair. That is...boring.

The cover is indeed plain. A simple fix is to go on Canva and work with a template. It's simple, but a definite improvement. In general, you can't go wrong with a simple font and background.


Extra tips
The text should not be centered, rather It should be at the left.

- Things seem to happen without much structure. Make sure events all serve a purpose for the plot, and line up to lead collectively towards the climax, then the end.

- Refrain from using exclamation marks and rather strengthen your descriptions.


Final impression
 I have two pieces of advice for you. One, read. Read a lot, as much as you can. Pick up on character arcs, dialogue, and plot structure. Notice the details and try to emulate them in practice.

That brings me to the second point; practice. Start with short stories. A few chapters or a thousand words. This way, you can focus on honing your skills. You can find plenty of resources online that teach you all the neat tips and tricks of writing.

You can take a look at my Diamond Booklist on my profile. There you'll find some of the best reads here on Wattpad.

Keep on practicing. Good luck!

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