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My pace starts speeding up as some footsteps enter my ear range.

At this point, it becomes automatic. My legs start moving faster and my heartbeat increases every time a minimal sound can be heard.

The dark around me slowly oppresses me and incorporates the slight light that enables me to see where I'm stepping on, eventually squishing my body so heavily that I'm running out of breath.

Debating on whether to scream or not, I finally see another streetlamp which seems to be a little bit less powerful than the previous ones, but enough for me to instantly feel the slightest hope rising inside me.

Approaching it, a sudden clatter rings out loud, making me flinch in surprise. As I realize a dog caused all this hustle and bustle, I sigh in relief, my mind calming down, keeping on hearing the constant barking of the furry creature.

Just when I thought I found a little bit of peace, I hear those almost forgotten footsteps once again, feeling my heart pulsing inside my throat, anxiety building up, finally deciding to keep on with my speed walk.

I surpass that specific point of the street, my body cannot stop his movements, knowing that my home is right behind the corner.

However, something seems off to my eyes. Actually, I started to sense that something was strange a few seconds ago, but I couldn't find the cause for some reason.

Taking a better look at the scene around me, the townhouses turned all the same color, a pastel sky blue. Yet all of this was blurred out by the dog's call once again.

A little bit irritated by the steady barking that interrupted the regular flow of my actions, I try to scold the animal for being too loud. As soon as our eyes met, I freeze examining the animal in front of me.

Spooked, I turn my head in the direction of my destination.

The walls of dark slowly get closer to each of my sides. The combination of my fast run and the slow sliding of a drop of sweat on my temple, makes this event feel almost unreal.

Again hope inside me when I realize I've reached another streetlamp. Hope which is soon replaced by my anger as I hear again a dog calling out to gain my attention.

Looking again at the being, I slow down, only to stop in front of the white-furred friend.

I fell on my knees on the ground, lost in the dog's eyes. A tear slides down my cheek, my expectations of evading this infinite circle fading away.

Right then another loud footstep rumbles, followed by multiple others. Hopeless I look back not seeing anybody, still able to hear those bothersome steps.

Crying I stand up and run again, almost stumbling at each jump.

Like a vicious cycle, everything's off of reality, yet in its exact place.

And there it goes again. The blue houses are darkened by the obscurity of the night, only a single one is lightened up by the same streetlamp and punctual as a clock, the same white dog, which doesn't stop barking.

This sequence feels, even more, smoother with the background noise of the steadfast steps, which makes this hell feel almost pleasant.

Starting as an enjoyable soundtrack, this quarrel of noises and sensations ends up becoming a gloomy lullaby, which worries me to the point where I found myself without patience.

Right at the peak of the now distorted concert, fed up with this scary happening, I open wide my mouth shouting with all of my might.

Right then all my minimal strengths tear apart, finding out the most impossible of the events. Not being able to scream, I started panicking and noticed how my legs started speeding up but my body was not moving a single inch.

ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now