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"Good morning Jungkook sunbaenim" I bow, right after admiring his beauty.

"Hi hi, let's start immediately" he totally ignores my kindness and gets to his seat, signaling me to reach him and sit in front of his desk.

I rush and listen carefully to what he has to say.

"Let's be clear. Be punctual, do your job properly, tell me everything that seems unusual, dress up nicely, don't overwork. I don't want you to look like a zombie the day after"

I look at the boss shocked, expecting him to explain to me how and what to do, instead he started alienating things, some of them already known, others illustrated rudely.

"Now go to your friends and ask them to explain to you your work" he points his black pen at me and right after at the black door, me taking that as a 'go fast' signal.

My black face shows up, sitting on the green chair inside Taehyung sunbaenim's room, Jennie unnie and him both laughing at my state.

"You have to get used to it Y/n. He's always been like this" The male smiling friend says chuckling.

"I-I imagined it, but never actually thought about it" I stutter, still traumatized.

Jennie unnie explained to me everything about what I actually had to do, I learned how to use the computer and every single file. She also told the difference between these three months' shifts and the winter ones.

Now that the studying session just ended, we'll all be working full time, then when we'll start again with university lessons, we'll work from six PM to ten PM, from Monday to Friday.

Right, I forgot right away that all the people present on this floor are actually students, except for the CEO Seokjin and Yoongi sunbaenim, who just obtained his doctoral degree.

"I think I told you everything, but if you need any help come to my office or just take the phone on your desk and digit a number from one to six. If you do that you're going to call one of us, each one has their respectively room number"

Smiling and bowing to them, I finally return to room number seven where my boss was waiting for me.

When I entered he was looking at the computer's screen, didn't even spare a glance to me nor spit a word.

I quietly make my way to my seat and immediately start doing my job, as Jennie told me and couldn't even imagine how time flies when you work.

Immersed in my things, I flinch hearing a sudden door slam, I turn around and see nobody in the room, when my eyes land on the clock in front of me.

"Oh, it's lunch time" I say to myself, as I quietly take out the lunch box from my handbag, when my telephone starts ringing.

"Y/n, it's Jennie! Come to my room number five" she shuts down the call, without giving me time to answer.

I stand up, bringing my food along and get to room number one, Jimin's office. I lightly knock on the door and get welcomed by all six of the girls, their bosses absent.

"Hi Y/n! We forgot to tell you that we usually have lunch all together. We exchange room in rotation, starting from room number one till the end and then the circle restarts. Tomorrow we'll eat in room number six and the day after room number seven." They explain to me, to make it more clear.

That's actually a great idea, so that we can relieve some stress by eating and talking during our break, also because the guys always go out to eat, some of them to a restaurant and others at their own home.

"So how's your first day so far?" Jisoo unnie asks me, gaining Jennie's laugh.

Everybody turns to her, wondering what got her smiling like that, when she started explaining.

"She has already understood how's working with Jungkook" she chuckles out, the others doing the same.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Until now he fired more than ten people because he didn't like how they worked. They were all scared of him and didn't have the courage to talk back at him" one of the unnies says.

"You're not helping" I shot a death glare at her, her immediately apologizing and containing her laughter.

Talking and joking around, the lunch break turned to an end and I was forced to get back to my office, where, of course, I find myself alone.

He's late, again.

Without worrying too much about it, I start reading all the emails and documents, sending the important ones to my boss's mail and deleting the spams ones.

After about thirty minutes, I finally hear the door opening behind me. I stand up and bow, welcoming Jungkook, who came in looking at his phone.

The first and second day of work went by pretty fast and smooth, until the third one.

As I finally see Jungkook standing up, I greet him goodbye and wish him a good lunch, then I waste no time and call my friends telling them to come and eat.

Today is room seven's turn.

"Did you manage to survive these two days, Y/n?" they came in laughing.

"Shut up girls! I almost got an heart attack when this morning he arrived one hour later" I chuckle, taking out my lunch.

"Wow, so this is Jungkook's office?" Jennie unnie says, everybody looking around.

"Yes, it is. Haven't you already seen it before?" I ask a little bit confused.

"No, we haven't because all his previous secretaries were too scared to let us come in, they didn't want to get scoled by him" Jisoo unnie explains, me accidentally chocking on my food.

"So I'm the first one doing this?!" I exclaim widening my eyes and dropping my fork on my plate.

They all just nod at me, concern and laughter are written on their faces, me hoping everything will be going great as we kept on our chats.

"So Jackson is your boyfriend right?" Jennie unnie asks me.

"Well it's kinda complicated. We both confessed our feelings for each other, but kissed only once more than two years ago."

They all lift their eyebrows looking at me with a 'really?' look.

"Well I don't mind our thing now. At least he's kind to me, unlike my boss who's rude and-"

Right then I sense the door behind me opening, Jungkook just came in for the first time in two days punctual.

He freezes at the entrance, his expression from surprised dramatically changes into a furious one, me and my friends perceiving the tension in the air.

Whispering me good luck, they all go out of the room, leaving me and my boss alone, whose look didn't change a bit.

He went straight away to his desk, only work in his head, but for some reason, as I kept on looking at him during the day, he seemed pissed off.

As I finally exit the building, I immediately feel someone's presence behind me, following during my walk back home.

Again, the chasing episodes haven't ceased, me always terrified about going back alone.

I walk faster and faster, when I suddenly stop as something seemed off.

I hear two distinct footsteps, their rhythm are slightly different, one is faster, which is the one I've always heard, and the other one is slower.

As I panic even more, I rush toward my house, which is right at the end of the road and lock myself inside, me looking outside of the window seeing the same man with the same hoodie, face covered, and behind him still walking slowly another man, too far for me to see his features and clothes.

"Are you kidding me?!"

ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now