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I wake up feeling a bit weird, my legs hurt but somehow my mind is fresh and my soul seems to have found peace.

I look at the alarm on the night table and it's four and a half PM, I immediately remember what happened a few hours ago when some hand squished my thigh.

"You're awake..." a husky voice gives me butterflies, his hands gliding up to my hips, bringing me closer.

I look up seeing Jungkook's face, half-closed eyelids, pupils fixed on me, lips straight as a line, I hum in response.

"Let's eat something before heading to work, ok?" he asks me, his right tattooed hand massaging my left breast for a few seconds, then immediately removes it, getting out of bed completely naked "Come" he says looking at me.

I shyly stand up, trying to look away from him, I stumble feeling my thighs shaking, I cover my body as he turns around.

"Go and take a shower while I cook something" I nod at him, my hands on my chest and core, feeling embarrassed and overexposed.

I relax under the hot water, realizing how I skipped class to have sex with my boss. Well, it's not the main reason, we actually slept in, and then one thing led to another, and, well it happened.

I put on some comfortable clothes as there's still more than an hour left before heading to the office, I reach the kitchen finding Jungkook still cooking.

"Can you please look at the food while I take a quick shower?" he asks, he's still naked, I nod looking away embarassed "It's not that you haven't seen it" he then mumbles passing by me and getting inside the bathroom.

I turn off the stove after a while, taking a small taste to check if everything was fully cooked, when I flinch earing the door opening revealing Jungkook with big and cozy clothes on.

"I-It's ready" I say, placing the pot on the table, along with two plates and some silverware.

He sits down not saying a word and starts eating right away, he nods multiple times in approval, I do the same as it tastes so good. 

Watching the man eating, I wonder about the crazy morning we had.

Why did we have sex? Wait. How did everything actually start?

Right, I suddenly kissed him, then we started undressing and after he was inside me.

I mean, it's not a big of a deal,  but it's not me to do things like this with the first man that approaches me. But then again, he's not a random one.

He's my sunbaenim, my boss, my savior.

Also with Jackson it took me years before getting closer and kissing him, too many thoughts in my head, while with Jungkook it only took lots of frustration and sadness.

His fluffy hair slightly bounces as he chews down another bite, the ends of his blonde-minty locks covering his eyes, his black undercut freshly shaved a few days ago, his earrings, eyebrows, and lip piercings shining under the light, my mind also remembering his nipple one.

He brushes his hair back, showing his intense gaze which is fixed in the plate now empty under him, the guy swallowing the last spoon.

I suddenly feel strange, I feel like I'm hangover, even if I didn't drink any alcohol, my heart feels heavy, beating soundly and ringing at the bottom of my throat, my whole stomach feeling butterflies, and my legs and arms tingling.

What do I really feel and why did I act like that?

"Stop staring at me" he coldly says, making me blink a couple of times, noticing how I was blatantly admiring him.

I'm now sitting on the bed as the man insisted on washing the dishes, I laugh reading the girls's messages in our group chat, obviously teasing me for sleeping in this morning.

Right, how do I tell them about what happened between me and Jungkook? But most importantly, how am I going to address the topic with him?

After changing and reaching the office, we immediately started working, no word about our morning , just chats work related.

"Y/n, take a break with the girls, get some fresh air, when you come back bring me a coffee." He orders me, I look at the cock and it's currently eight PM, two more hours to go.

"So you and Jungkook both skipped school?" one of unnies asks me, the rest of the girls laughing.

"Yes, we didn't hear the alarm and when we woke up it was too late, so we decided to stay at home and take some good rest" I explain, telling the truth and also making up the ending.

"Yeah 'REST'" Jennie unnie says, the others bursting out, I try to keep a straight face as I'm really bad at lying.

"Y-Yeah, what else could we do?" I ask, trying not to sound suspicious, excitement bouncing inside me as I really want to tell them, but consciousness hitting me.

"Y/n, we've known Jungkook for a long time. He always does what he wants when he has the opportunity and always pulls the first move." Jisoo unnie explains.

"But really! Nothing happened, I swear, I stayed in the bedroom and he in the living room, minding our own businesses!" I defend myself, maybe too much.

Preparing his awaited coffee, I start thinking about what the others said.

Whe if he was really messing with me for his own good? I mean, I kinda did the same as I just did what I felt like doing, but I did it with a meaning.

Well that's also not totally true, as I kissed him first, only with the intention of having fun and taking Jackson off of my head, but then something clicked inside me.

Maybe it was the same with him, or totally not. I think I'll never know, unless I ask him. But then again, what do I ask him? 'Why did we have sex?' 

Entering his office, I place his coffee on his desk, a sudden idea pops up in my mind as Jisoo's words echo in my head: 'he always pulls the FIRST move'.

I push his chair a little bit back, he immediately looks at me, no expression written on his face, as always.

After hesitating a little, I get closer to his face a few inches away from his staring at his lips, his face didn't change at all, eyes glued on mines, I lick my lips anxious, noticing how he's not even reacting.

I attach my lips to his, no response from the man, he's sitting still, when I start moving my mouth and brushing my tongue against his bottom lips.

After a few seconds he finally kiss me back, he stands up as I was bending over, he picks me up effortlessly wrapping my legs around his waist and places me on his desk, thighs fully spread to him, his core immediately crashes against mine.

As the kiss gets heated, I remove his blazer and loosen up a little his necktie, he devours me, making me run out of breath.

I slap his arm multiple times, signaling him that I needed a break, when he separates our faces, a string of saliva connecting our lips and he slowly licks my lower one.

"Y/n, what's on your mind?" he asks, our hard pant can be easily heard, his gaze fixed on my eyes.

Right, why did I do this?

"I-I don't know" I answer, also confused by my own response.

I actually don't care about what he thinks as what happened this morning was just an accident, bu then, if I really didn't care, why did I even worry about his thoughts?

Why did I just kiss him?

Only to prove if he would take the first step like Jisoo unnie said? Or just because I felt like kissing him?

ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now