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I wondered all week about my actions, never talk to him about that, why did I kiss him in the first place?

We all know that I wanted to prove if he was just messing with me or not, but was that the only reason? Again, we all know it's not like that.

As I sit on my desk reading an email, an important detail pops up.

"Sajangnim, come here for a second please" I say, grabbing Jungkook's attention, my eyes focused on the computer screen in front of me, ears perfectly hearing the man's footsteps getting closer, giving me a little anxiety.

"What's it?" he asks, leaning his hands on my table to have a better view of the letter.

"Look here" I say, pointing at a particular line.

"There? '...I find your project interesting, so I kindly accept your offer, I'll come tomorrow to the company and talk personally to the CEO Kim Seokjin and finally buy your product...'" he reads out loud, mouth wide open.

"We did it..." I say incredulous, we've finally succeeded in selling our plan to our biggest client.

"Yes, we did it!!" He shouts, I immediately stand up and start jumping along with him, our hands immediately interlocks as we start spinning around, happiness and proudness spreading all over the room.

He then puts his hands on my hips and pulls me up, I'm surprised by his actions, the first time I actually see him smiling widely at me.

"Let's go to Jin hyung!" he shouts as soon as he puts me down, he takes my hand and drags me out of the office, running and breaking into room number one, where I find Seokjin sunbaenim and Jisoo unnie working respectively on their station.

"Hyung! We did it!!! He finally accepted our offer and is coming tomorrow to buy it!"

"What?!?!" the older one screams, quickly standing up and smashing his hands on the desk "Jisoo! Call everybody and tell them to immediately go to the meeting room, now!" he orders his secretary, her smiling widely as she proceeds on announcing through the speaker about the reunion.

Seokjin sunbae and Jungkook sunbae, rush outside of the room, me and Jisoo are left here, I can see her eyes shining.

"This was his biggest dream, Y/n..." she says, I understand she's talking about Seokjin's target. He actually hit the biggest jackpot selling his project to that client.

"I know unnie...he finally made it" I say, comforting her as she let some of her tears flow down her face "Come on, let reach the others" I grab her hand and guide us to the meeting room, where we find everybody already sitting down.

"Guys, we've finally been able to sell the offer to Client X, tomorrow morning he'll come by the office to sign the contract. Everyone, make sure to greet and bow at him." the CEO explains.

"What?! Did we really make it?" Jimin sunbae asks standing up.

"Yes, we did it!!" Jungkook says.

"According to my calculation, we're going to make the biggest profit ever with this!" Namjoon sunbae interrupts, showing Hoseok sunbae a paper with some scratches, he opens wide his eyes in response.

"Yes, and I'm planning on giving everyone a reward at the end of the month" Seokjin says "Also tomorrow, which is Friday, we're going to skip work in the evening and have a party at my manor, the fourteen of us. Everything's on me"

Shouts and thuds ring inside these four walls, everybody hugs the ones next to them, Jisoo unnie runs to Seokjin sunbae crying, happy for her childhood friend's wish becoming true.

"Great, now everybody back to your own office and complete today's duties"

I hop inside room number seven along with my boss, whose smile still hasn't left his face.

"Let's go home Y/n" he chuckles out, his cute grin making me slightly blush.

"But there's still an hour left before ten PM" I protest, not wanting to break the rules.

"I'm your boss and I take decisions for you" he sticks his tongue out, his childish behavior makes me agree with him, in hope not to regret this decision.

Reaching his apartment he orders some pizzas, which arrived, soon later.

I went to bed with the biggest smile on my face, even though Jungkook insisted on sleeping on the sofà.

We're all waiting standing on a straight line in the corridor, only Seokjin sunbaenim and Jisoo unnie in their office talking with Customer X, it has been more than two hours and there's still no news about them.

"I'm so nervous" I whisper under my breath.

"Yeah same" Jennie whispers back, the other girl nodding and talking at a low voice.

"Girls, please be quiet. You're all going to gossip after the end of the interview." Jimin sunbae scolds all of us.

"I know, but this morning we also skipped classes just to stand in a straight line and wait for hours" I whisper back to the manager, who furrows his eyebrows.

We finally hear the door of room number 1 opening, revealing Seokjin sunbaenim and the famous customer, shaking hands.

"You're service is the best Seokjin-ah, I can't wait to receive your product! I've already told my troop to sent a positive review on this, not mentioning the fact that I'm going to talk about this, on my TV show" he guess says, Seokjin subae bows at him.

We all do the same as he enters the elevator, waving us goodbye and thanking everyone.

"Good job guys!" Jisoo unnie reahces us, with a tray of glasses full of water.

"Everything went as planned, he bought our product and liked the special offer. Go back to your rooms to finish your daily work and then get ready for tonight. I want everybody to get wasted, understood?" our CEO orders us, we all nod with a big smile.

As I finish with reading emails, archiving documents and other stuff, I suddenly start thinking about a specific thing.

During my past five years, I would think about my emotion and feelings every single other day, enjoying all the details.

I also loved talking about them with my friends, Jennie unnie and our other collegue at the cafe', along with Jackson, describing them about my anxiety, how it would hit my body, making me feel numb and weird, how my head would spin and how my stomach would feel a slight yet annoying pain due to nervousness.

Not to talk about my fear, the consequences of going back home alone every night, the high speed heartbeat and the cold sweat running down my steaming hot skin, the constant knot on my throat suppressing my breathing.

How I wasn't able to hide my smile, whenever I succeded in something, especially school related.

Now that I think about it, rather than thinking about my emotions, I prefer living them and enjoying them to the fullest.

ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now