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It didn't take much for the news to spread, as it was a public trial, all my classmates being sorry and asking me if everything was ok.

Right after the process, now more than a week ago, I got back to my apartment and started packing my stuff and gradually taking it to Jungkook sunbaenim's place as I couldn't find another place this fast, till today, preparing my last bag of clothes.

I've been sleeping at my house during these days, of course, to speed up the transfer process and to properly say goodbye to this apartment, I've already talked to the housekeeper and thanked him for the time I spent here.

Getting inside the taxi, I finally realize that I'll be living with my sunbaenim and also boss. Not excluding the fact that he's a boy.

Talking about the devil, he's already waiting outside the skyscraper inside which there's his small but welcoming apartment.

"Give me that" he orders, pointing at my bag, me doing what he says, almost as we're at work.

"I've already put into their places all your stuff, towels, brushes, shoes, clothes..." he starts alienating my things, as he shows me around the house where he put my belongings.

I go to the bedroom where I look at the closed and see how he separated every kind when my eyes land on a specific drawer, full of my underwear and bras.

I blush to recreate the possible scene of him touching and putting those away, when:

"I hope you like how I did, if not, you're free to rearrange things to your liking" His voice behind me rings, me immediately closing the drawer and turning around, eyes wide open and my cheeks burning.

I nod a little bit panicky, hoping that he would not embarrass me during my stay with him, the two of us completely quiet during our dinner.

"I'll wash the dishes, you can go and do whatever" he states.

"No!" I shout completely forgetting to address him kindly "I mean, I'll do it, you can go" I clear my throat and take the already soapy sponge from his hands.

Without talking, he goes right away to the training room, as I quietly start washing everything, ending up drying dishes and cups with a cloth.

After putting everything in their places, I immediately go wash myself up and get ready to go to bed.

I remove my shirt, only my bra covering my torso, some goosebumps pervading the whole surface of my skin, a sudden creek surprises me, making me turn around to meet Jungkook's figure.

"Sorry" he just says, getting out of the room, his expression not showing any emotion.

Trying to hide my blush from no one, as I now find myself alone in the room, I finish putting on my pajamas and finally get under the covers.

Waiting for my new roommate to reach me to bed, I decide to play a sleeping playlist, trying to relax myself, little did I know, my eyes started closing, my head totally forgetting to stay awake and thank him again for what he did.

Opening my eyes, I get greeted by one of the songs that I set last night, immediately making me remember about my boss.

I quickly stand up and go to the kitchen, my mind lost as soon as I notice him peacefully sleeping on the sofa.

I silently get closer and admire his features, illuminated by the sunlight that is slightly poking through the curtains of the living room. I look at the clock and notice how we're both late for school.

"Sunbaenim! We're late for school!" I whisper shout, kneeling on the ground next to him and placing my hands on his shoulder to shake him a little bit.

ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now