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The situation is uneasy.

This will be a great opportunity for me as I can have a job, either way, I decide to keep on with my studies or finish right at my bachelor's.

Also, I can finally stop being a waitress, which is very tiring and stressing particularly right after a school day.

I talked about this to Jackson and he seemed to also be excited about the offer.

Also Jennie unnie kept on asking about my seniors if they'll hire her.

As I'm about to enter Jisoo sunbae's classroom, I start shaking a little, afraid that I'll have all eyes on me.

Taking a deep breath in, I finally knock on the door and hear a male voice telling me to enter.

I notice Tahyung and Jimin looking at me and immediately remember that they and Jisoo unnie are at the same stage of their studies.

"Oh hi, what brings you here Y/n?" Jimin kindly asks, without showing any type of emotion.

"I-I was looking for J-Jisoo sunbaenim" I whisper, looking at my hands which started automatically playing together.

"She just went to the bathroom. What is it? You can tell us" same Taehyung with no expression says.

"Jennie unnie finally gave her answers. She agreed and accepted Seokjin's job offer."

"Great! What about you? Jin Hyung is already preparing and organizing everything for the business opening. He'll finally get his doctoral degree this Saturday morning and right in the evening, before the celebration party, he'll gather all the future staff to talk about the job"

I was taken aback at what Jimin just said, not thinking that it would only take a week for me to decide.

"Anyway, we'll tell Hyung about your friend, regarding you, you can decide if to come on Saturday night's reunion or not. If you come we'll take it as a confirmation. Now go back to your class"

They both were pretty cold to me, but Jisoo unnie told me how the younger boys of the group act with newbies.

"So you're going to accept it?" Jackson asks me as we keep walking to my work as usual.

"I still don't know. I mean, it's a pretty good offer considering that I'm only twenty years old and that my plan is not to work as a waitress for the rest of my life."

He suddenly stops walking a few meters away from the entrance of the cafe. I turn around and look at him confused when he suddenly crash his body against mine and hugs me tight.

"Let's stay like this for a few seconds" he whispers, his hands on my back holding tight on my jacket.

He blows some hot hair right behind my ear, making me shiver in pleasure in his embrace.

"Will you still be my close friend?" he suddenly asks, me leaning back my head to meet his face, eyes interlocking with each other, butterflies in my stomach as we keep on communicating with just our bare gazes.

When I notice with the corner of my eyes a tall figure, standing just a meter away from us.

"Tsk" one of my senior scoffs, he was Jungkook, standing there and walking away right after showing his annoyance to us, me immediately looking away from him, too afraid.

"Hi, Y/n! Oh- we didn't want to interrupt you guys" Jisoo unnie says playfully covering her eyes.

"Sunbae! What are you doing here?" I'm actually surprised at my own excitement about meeting my seniors, as I always find myself trying to remain as cold as possible with new acquaintances.

ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now