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I spent Sunday on my bed, with the strongest head and stomachache ever.

We ended up drinking a lot and discovering new things about the seniors.

"It doesn't matter who I'll be working with, just think that I'm finally going to have a great salary and less physical fatigue" I watch Jennie unnie exchanging opinions  with our other collegue, who still wants to work here at the cafe'.

"Oh right, Y/n our boss said that you two need to prepare everything since Friday will be your last day here. On that night you'll receive your last wage and firing latter with all the documents included." she says excluding herself as she'll stay beside our boss.

Waving at my two friends who once again accompanied me home, I squeeze my eyes noticing some movement behind them. I quickly grab my phone and take a picture.

"Why did you do that? I mean I know I'm beautiful" Jennie unnie jokes around making me laugh and finally get home.

Ready, I start to lock again all the doors and windows, closing the curtains and shutters.

Finally ready to sleep, I decided to catch a look at the picture I took earlier.

"It's him again" I whisper looking closely at the hooded guy in the dark, with the same sweatpants and hoodie, same brand, same colors.

As the week came to an end, I finally terminated my employment contract with the cafe's boss and now, on this beautiful Saturday evening, we're celebrating the graduation of my other senior in a fancy restaurant: Jungkook's.

He decided to keep on studying for at least a couple of years more and get his doctoral degree at the end.

"Where did Jin hyung go? We need him to celebrate" Jimin sunbaenim scoffs.

"He has been out for more than thirty minutes talking on the phone, I guess it's company-related" Jisoo defends the man.

"I know, but- oh there you are, I thought you were dead!" Hoseok sunbaenim says making us laugh.

"Y/n I need to talk to you" my future boss says, more serious than ever.

Getting up and following him outside of the restaurant for our 'chat', I start to feel my palm wet, due to sweat, my heart racing hoping nothing is wrong, but you know deep inside when something does not look right.

"I cannot hire you Y/n" 

Not able to spit a single word, I take a single step back, followed by another one, my eyes fixing on his, my mouth slightly opened.

"Talking with the government for the founding that we'll be receiving for the company, they told me that I can only hire people with a bachelor's degree and you're currently studying for it"

I shake my head slowly, incredulous of what I've just heard, pupils shaking and vision getting blurry from some tears forming.

"That means I can only hire after your graduation, I'm so sorry Y/n, I tried to convince them, but they told me that they won't help me if I don't respect all the conditions and-"

"It's ok!" I bravely interrupt him "Really, it's not your fault after all. You did everything possible" I smile trying to hide my sadness and tears "Sorry but I think I'll go home now"

He just nods and watches me get inside the restaurant to take all my stuff.

The others look carefully at my movements and when my watery eyes meet with theirs, all I can see are worry and concern, espcially into Jennie unnie's ones.

Without listening to their words walk out of the local, keeping my posture, thinking that I'll explode once I reach home.

Right before stepping out of the gate, I see Seokjin sunbaenim still there, where we were talking before, his blank expression and emotionless eyes looking directly into mines and that's when the first tear finally leaves my orb.

Out of the range of everyone, I start walking faster and faster, the only thing that my mind desire is to be at home and cry all night.

I left my job and prepared mentally for this new experience for nothing, only failure.

In a blink of an eye, I finally reach my house.

Right in front of it, a man is looking straight at my entrance door, when he slowly turns around I stop for a few seconds.

"Jackson!" I run to him hugging his body, a crying mess in his embrace, his hand stroking my back lovingly.

He doesn't ask me what the matter is, instead keeps on earing me sobbing out loud, my lungs harshly taking all my effort.

"Shhh I'm here" he says before letting go of the hug.

"I'm such a loser Jackson" I wail when he suddenly grabs both of my cheeks.

All the pain that I was feeling vanished in just a second, now there's only me and him, his gaze left my eyes to land on my lips.

He connects our lips in a slow and passionate kiss, our tongues finally touching and exploring the mutual's mouth.

My legs tremble in pleasure, my arms around his neck, the incredible amount of butterflies in my stomach this man makes me feel every time we have an interaction, our heads still bobbing back and forth.

I let go of the kiss, thinking about the best for us. Is this right, is this wrong?

We both wanted this, but I start to get confused as soon as million of thoughts get mixed up in my head, till the point where I start to feel weirdly dizzy.

"S-Sorry, I-I don't feel too good" I say looking away, embarrassed about the kiss we just shared, head hurting more and more.

"Let's get you inside Y/n" he says grabbing my hand and guiding me to my room after we entered.

I sit on the bed and look at him going to the kitchen and pouring some water into a glass.

"Drink a little bit of water and then sleep, you'll feel better. Tomorrow we'll talk" he leaves a cast peck on my forehead and watches me getting under the covers. "I'll wait for you to fall asleep, don't worry, I'm here with you Y/n" he caresses my right cheek with his left palm.

My headache increases, the only solution I find is to finally close my eyes, which seemed too tired to keep me awake, I fall asleep with Jackson's sweet and concerned face and the warmth of his hand on my face, heart slowly calming down.

ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now