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I freeze, my muscles feeling numb, I find myself not able to move, my head keeps on replaying the sentence that the blonde minty man said.

"I am the second chaser"

I furrow my eyebrows, trying to process and understand the situation, all the feelings on which I started having doubts, suddenly disappear, only fear and contempt flowing.

"Before you get mad and report me to the police, please listen to me" he keeps on looking at my eyes, I'm fighting with the contrasting pleasure in melting into his pupils, against madness.

As the mature and loyal girl that I am, I nod deciding to hear his version of the story.

"It all began when you first started working for me. One night I was going back home after stopping by a restaurant eating dinner when I noticed a man following a woman. I realized that it was you a few days later, that's why I kept on following the two of you so that if that man made a false move, I would save you. And that's what happened after a few months"

He explains, me pretending to not care, but actually listen carefully, when I suddenly notice a different type of pain in my heart.

That's when I came to the conclusion that Jungkook is my actual angel in the dark.

I feel my eyes wet, my vision gets blurry as tears stream all over my face and neck, my facial expression impassive, trying not to explode.

He stares at me with his intense gaze, I can't help but hug him tight and cover my face in his chest, I don't want him to see my face at the moment.

My head gets lifted up, cheeks cupped by Jungkook's hands, exposing my entire visage, his a few inches away from mine.

"Sorry, I should have told you before, but I wanted the process to end first. After all, you just lost your best friend or whatever he was, it must be hard for you"

My head spins in pleasure, I start to question myself if there's any problem with me as my eyes cannot leave his lips, feeling almost drunk by excitement and a pure sensation which is actually difficult to explain, his gaze not leaving the tears stuck in my bottom eyelashes.

Am I thinking wrong? Is this right? but most importantly, why?

I've just found out that my ex-best friend, who I felt something toward, was a total maniac and now I'm already immersed into another guy, but he is not just anyone.

He's my senior, he's my boss, he's my roommate.

He's Jeon Jungkook.

There's nothing bad about doing what I feel like, right? It's a pretty common thing, they always say, live your life the way you want, do what you feel like to do at the moment, don't care about what others say or think.

Just do your life.

I slowly connect my lips with Jungkook's, him not moving at first, consequentially I thought that he was not interested. 

When I finally feel his hands moving from my cheeks to my lower back, bringing me closer to his body and making me sit with my legs wide open on his lap.

I suddenly feel his tongue brushing against my lower lip, asking for access, and, kindly accepting the guess, I make it meet its mutual friend. Our wet muscles dance together, passion and excitement grow inside us as I feel his hands slowly lifting up my shirt.

After throwing it on the ground, I also help him with his, his naked chest squishing against my covered one, until with a slow yet decided movement, he unclasps my bra.

As our bare torsos slide on top of each other's, I feel a cold sensation right on my nipple, immediately sensing Jungkook's nipple piercing with the fingertips of my left hand.

Right then the kiss became even more heated, his lips left mine to proceed on my cheeks, down to my jawline, licking and leaving kitty kisses all over my neck and collarbones, only to end on my breasts, giving them love marks and bites.

The quiet smacking sounds of his mouth against my skin, are soon covered by my hums and whines, him tightening the grip on my buttcheeks hearing my sinful noises.

Finally pushing me backward and making me lay on my back, he overs me kissing me right behind my ear, sucking and nibbling on my lobe as he slips off his own pants, remaining only in his underwear.

He starts going down to my stern, my belly and lower stomach wet from his saliva, he slowly takes off both my pajama and undies, I'm completely naked and submissive to the man, who's now opening wide my legs.

I feel a hot breath right in front of my entrance, I buck my hips up, impatient to feel pleasure, him without saying a single word starts eating me out, his tongue gliding all over my femininity, fingers going in and out of me and I try to contain my moan as he loads two more fingers.

Right when I was about to wrap my legs around his neck, he stops, sitting up and taking off his boxers, revealing his erected member.

He then lays on top of me and positions his manhood in front of my entrance, looking down at the main scene he slowly enters only the tip of his member.

"S-Sunbae...w-we should stop" I manage to say, a part of me agreeing with my statement, the rest wanting to keep going and finish our business.

"Stop calling me that, it's annoying" he answers.

"Uh?" I look at him confused, he suddenly smashes his lips against mine, initiating a new steamy make-out session.

In between the kiss, I bite hard on his lower lip making him groan out loud, he then out of spite, fully enters inside me, making me scream out of surprise.

"T-That's what you get for being rude" he starts slowly thrusting in and out of me, giving me time to adjust to his size, also caressing the scar on his lips I made a few moments ago.

At this point, I don't care anymore, because now we're not making love, we're just having pure and wild sex, I needed some support which I gently received from the bulky man. There's nothing wrong as long as we don't put emotions, right?

"A-Am I hurting you?" he asks keeping up with his speed, I nod in response, actually feeling a little bit of pain "Do you want me to stop?"

At his question, I shut tight my eyes and shake my head fast multiple times when I suddenly feel two hands on each side of my head keeping it still, the blonde sweetly kissing my forehead as he keeps up with pleasuring me.

"If you want me to stop, it's fine, just tell me, ok?" he says pecking my left cheek.

That's when I realized that the no-emotion rule was no longer valid.

ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now