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He doesn't seem surprised, more concerned.

"Here we are" I say opening wide my arms in front of my little humble abode.

"Good, now go inside and rest tomorrow, on Monday evening we'll have to work on something"

I bow at him, and get inside my house, locking the door, still thinking about the man, I look out of the window and he's still there. As soon as he sees me from the other sde of  the glass, he lifts his hand and gives me a thumb up, then walks away. Behind him in the darkness the same hodded man, marching away as well.

I actually overslept and woke up at 2 PM, feeling proud of myself but at the same time, confused.

Yesterday my boss has treated me respectfully making my heart flutter a couple of times.

Feeling the hangover, I didn't feel like eating or studying so I just chilled all day, thinking about what happened yesterday.

"That's basically it. Prepare a report and mail that to me within two days" Jungkook says after the intense evening of work. "Do it tomorrow now go home and have dinner" he then affirms and leaves the studio, even this Monday flew by pretty fast.

I look at the clock and notice that it is half-past ten PM and I have a booked dinner with Jackson.

"It's really delicious!" I firmly say stuffing my mouth with a big piece of steak. We're sitting at a table outside the restaurant, near a park.

"I'm glad you like it" he chuckles, cleaning the corner of my mouth with his index finger and licking it right after.

I immediately stop chewing at his actions, a bright pink shade of blush flashing on my cheeks.

"So Jungkook got you home Saturday evening?" he asks out of nowhere, probably feeling jealous.

"Yes, he did. It was kind of him to do that, considering my chasing episodes." I say, paying my full attention to the last piece of meat, which immediately finds its way down my throat.


"Wait a second. How do you know that he got me home?" I furrow my eyebrows, my gaze fixed on his.

"Don't you remember it? You called me as soon as you got home and told me you were super drunk" his eyes disappear and his mouth flashes a bright smile, remembering the probably funny conversation he had with me that night.

I was actually pretty drunk, so I don't blame myself for not recalling that.

"I'll go inside to pay the bill, wait for me here at the table, don't get too far away" he says placing a cast kiss on my forehead, making my heart beat fast.

As he gets inside, I notice his phone on the table and take the immediate decision to take a selfie with it, so that he'll see my beautiful face.

After taking a good pair, I open the gallery and look at them. They actually came out pretty good and out of curiosity, I keep on swiping to see what he has in his phone.

Laughing at some weird pictures of him, my smile instantly drops seeing something that I could never imagine.

In this video, he's filming his face, then grabs his hood and puts it on his head covering half of his face. I immediately recognize that cloth and get a confirmation of my thought as soon as he switches the front camera to the back one, framing the street. 

A little far away in the darkness there's this figure walking fast, apparently scared.

And that small shaky figure is me.

As I keep on looking at his gallery I find this other video.

We're inside my house, sitting on my sofà, it was the day of our second kiss.

I'm sitting with my hands on my eyes, covering them. I remember that moment, I was having a pretty bad headache and the light was too bright.

Right when I could only see the palm of my hands, he places his phone on the table and places a white small pill on top of his tongue.

"Y/n. Can I kiss you?"

Those were his words right before our sentimental moment. There it is, our heads moving together, lips attached to each other, and me falling asleep on top of him a few minutes later.

Why does he have these videos?

Scrolling back, even more, I find something else.

There's a video of me sleeping in my bed and after a couple of seconds, he appears in the frame. He carefully fixes his gaze on my sleeping figure and sits at the end of the bed, right before my feet.

His hands slowly make their way to the hem of his pants and undo the bow on his sweatpants, taking them down. As soon as he slides his hand inside his boxers, I close my eyes and swipe away, to see a picture of him.

He's holding in his hand a transparent container with some pills inside, then it shows the cap of it, where there's a tag on which is written 'powerful sleeping pill'. Both this video and this picture were taken on the day of our first kiss years ago.

My mouth drops and my brain connects all the pieces together.

Those two videos of him inside my house were both taken on our two kisses. 

The first one some years ago and the most recent one some weeks ago. That's why after kissing I felt even more tired than I was. Those 'sleeping pills'.

It was him all along, my mysterious chaser. The one and the only person that followed me at night during these past five years, the one that drugged me for his own pleasure and fun.

I place his phone on the table and immediately get away from there, running as fast as I can.

Tears stream down my face, never been so scared in my life.

Right when I thought I was far enough, I suddenly hear some running behind me and without thinking about it twice nor turning around, I rush as fast as I can.

There's a tight knot on the very bottom of my throat, causing my mouth to be dry. My heart racing fast, and continuous pain in my stomach due to fear.

I involuntary slow down, feeling too tired, my legs trying to keep up with the initial speed, but find it hard.

I flinch as soon as something grabs my left arm, making me harshly fall on the ground flaying my knees.

"Why are you running away?" Jackson's face is a few inches away from mine, his forehead showing every single expression line as he keeps his eyebrows lifted.

His eyes opened wide, some red veins contrasting with the white around his pupils, his full-on maniac smile displaying on his face.

I find myself unable to speak or move, I can only stare at his gaze, trembling like a leaf, still on the ground, his left knee on the floor, his right one in a ninety degree supporting his right elbow, arm with which is still holding me.

"Now you're coming with me" he says licking a drop of saliva that was almost dropping down his chin.

Finally screaming as loud as I can, I try to pull away, his grip becoming tighter each seconds that passes, surely leaving some bruises around my forearm.

As I find him fairly stronger than me, he easily drags me to his direction, my feet sliding on the ground trying to resist.

"You shouldn't have seen those videos Y/n. Everything could have been easier" he says harshly yanking me, I find my body again on the ground, then:

"You little"

ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now