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Almost at the end of the tour, I look around and notice how almost every classmate of mine has left.

"Normally we finish our classes around five in the afternoon and we start studying right when we get home until bedtime" Jisoo answers one of the questions.

With that, three other guys leave the room and go back to our classroom, me guessing they don't like studying all day long.

"If you think that you'll get even one day off of studying you can already leave. If you decide to keep on going and get your master's degree, you have to be conscious of what you're going toward to" an irritated senior says, making us little ones shiver in fear.

Five good seconds of high tension are soonly followed by hesitation and right after by the leave of two other classmates.

"Great" the same senior says in between his teeth, raising his eyebrows in annoyance.

"Stop it Yoongi, you'll scare all of them!" another senior says, making me finally learn the intimidating man's name.

"They have to know Hyung" Yoongi answers back.

"Let him be Seokjin Hyung" another male voice can be heard, calling out loud the guy who just scolded Yoongi.

I slowly look at my classmates and notice how we're only six, compared to the start where there were more than thirty students. They're all shivering and sweating.

"So all of you made it till the end of the tour. Do you have any questions?"  the beautiful girl Jisoo asks us.

I and the others look at each other and then again at the older ones, us slowly shaking our heads.

"Great, then you can go, it's almost six PM, by now the lesson in your regular classroom should have already ended. Hope you liked and enjoyed this, have a great day!"

I get a little frightened by my classmates, who quickly stand up bowing at the authorities, and run away in a blink of an eye.

Looking at them exiting the room, I freeze on my spot realizing I'm the only freshman left here.

"You seem a little shaken! Sorry if the guys scared you earlier, but sometimes they all forget that we also once were newbies" I turn my head before me and see Jisoo getting closer to me.

"By the way, I'm Jisoo as I already told you and I'm studying the second year of the doctoral program" the beautiful woman shines, with long black hair and fair skin. "What about you...Uhm, what's your name?"

Realizing how I still haven't spit a word, I get a little anxious, feeling all eyes on me.

"I-I'm Y/n and I've almost finished studying for the second year for the bachelor's degree." I shyly display myself, hoping they won't find me ridiculous for stuttering.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Y/n! If I have to be honest, you seemed the only one interested in continuing with your studies. Why don't we become friends? You can hang out with us sometimes!" jisoo proposes, catching me completely off guard.

"I-" I immediately stop noticing one of the boys getting out of the room followed by two others.

"Don't mind them, I think it will be a great idea" Seokjin takes my attention reassuring me a little.

"Isn't she too young to stay with us?" again Yoongi pops up with his annoyed tone, making me slightly step back.

"I know she's much younger than us Hyung, but after all, it's only a few years apart"

"I know Namjoon, but I'm eight years older than her. I could be her dad"

"Don't be silly Yoongi Hyung, I'm just a year younger than you and it doesn't bother me. By the way, my name is Hoseok, nice to meet you Y/n!" his bright and beautiful smile blinds my eyes and leaves me enchanted by his natural features.

After chatting a little bit more, they explained to me their degrees and stuff: Seokjin is currently in the fifth year of doctoral, followed by Yoongi who's only a year younger than him making him study for the fourth year, then Namjoon and Hoseok at their third year.

They also told me about the three other guys who rushed out of the room: Jimin and Taehyung are both in the second year of the doctoral program and then Jungkook who's in his second year of master's degree.

The girl offered me to go out tonight, but I kindly declined the invite as I explained to them about my work.

Regard that, I'm currently speeding up as we took much time to get to know each other and now I'm running late at work.

Finally reaching the place, I waste no time and get inside to change my clothes into the working uniform and reach the front as fast as possible.

"Y/n where were you? There are some many people, be on time next time" one of my coworkers says.

"Sorry unnie, I got stuck into a very important conversation, university related you know?"

"OK, don't worry, now we need to hurry up. There are so many people tonight"

"Yeah I know. Where's our other coworker by the way?"

"She went to the grocery shop because we finished all the milk we had, she should come back in any moment"

"Wait what? How come we finished it all? Shouldn't our supplier provide it to us every week?"

"Yes, it is like that, but recently we've grown the number of clients, so we should also increase our stocking and stuff"

As time literally flies, I still find it impossible to see our cafe full to the top at almost midnight, near the closing time.

"Y/n! Take five bottle of soju at table number five!" unnie shouts from the middle of the room, carrying in her hands two trays full of cocktails.

"Yes! Going right away!"

Placing the liquor on top of a tray, I quickly get to the table noticing some familiar faces.

"Y/n hi! Do you work here?" Jisoo asks me.

There are all of my seniors, all seven of them plus Jisoo sunbae looking at my figure, me highly ashamed of my appearance. Face and neck full of sweat, chest raising up and down due to the hard work, my makeup slightly smudge and my hair tied up into a messy bun.

Frozen, I try to speak up, but find myself speechless for the absurd situation.

"You should be really tired, there are so many people here. It's actually our first time, we came because we heard some good reviews on this" Namjoon speaks up.

"O-Oh yeah, I really hope you'll like it here" I force a smile trying not to look awkward, but obviously failing.

"Y/n! Take some other two bottles to table numer two!"

"A-Ah yes!!" I shout back as I give the guys their order and rush right away to the counter where we have all the bottles.

Peace rests in my mind as I finally wash the last cups of the night.

"Don't you think we should hire someone new? I mean from Monday to Thursday we finish pretty early and without making that much fatigue, while on Friday we're always late."

"Yes, I think so too, but it won't be easy. What about you, Y/n?"

"Well, it's really tiring. I mean, during Saturday and Sunday we're closed, so we'll have time to rest anyway. We can do it by ourselves I guess"

As I open the door, I thank my two coworkers, who are also my friends, for walking me home, also noticing someone behind them a little far away.

"Who's that?" I say pointing behind them.

They immediately turn around, finding nobody, me a little bit shocked as I was pretty sure there was a figure marching.

"You should be very tired, get some rest Y/n"

I run inside, a little bit spooked by the happening that just occurred and immediately text the first person that comes in my mind.

ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now