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Three years ago

"Ok guys, today we'll show the newbies around our school wing. Taehyung, Jimin, and especially Jungkook, if you plan to scare them or be rude, just stay silent and let us talk, understood" Jin Hyung orders as we all stand in front of him.

The teacher chose the seven of us plus Jisoo nuna, not only because we're the best students in both the master's and doctoral programs, but because we're a close-knit group of friends, none of us would ever turn his back on the others.

"Please follow us guys!" Hoseokie hyung encourages the kids, getting them inside one of our big classrooms, they all look at the ceiling, eyes widening as the room is much bigger compared to theirs.

While my hyungs kept on talking, I notice Jisoo nuna getting closer to a girl and bringing her to the front. She's alone and actually looks like a loser, she would just be in the way in our big group.

I kind of chuckled under my breath, noticing how many kids left, too scared of the amount of study they'll have to face, only some girls sitting in front of us, also the shy kid was the only one left as soon as we finished explaining everything.

Noticing how nuna started talking to her, I immediately got annoyed and glanced to Jimin and Taehyung hyungs, who nodded back at me, right after following me out of the room.

"Do we really need a new member in our group?" I ask mad at the two.

"Jin Hyung wants other girls for his project, remember? He's going to give us a better future by opening his new company and employing all of us as managers. He just needs the seventh secretary as we only have one girl and we are seven boys" Jimin explains.

"As he believes and trusts all of us, he'll need to also find other reliable persons, so it may take a while before finding the right ones" Taehyungie Hyung says.

I just scoff at them, after all, they all have their planned secretary. It's also a bit logical and understandable: Jin Hyung met Jisoo Nuna when they were little, and the other hyungs are more willing to make new friends, unlike me.

It's a bit unfair for me.

As Jisoo nuna got closer to the shy kid, she discovered that she worked in a cafè, immediately telling Jin Hyung who decide to meet up with her, explaining his project.

During the meeting, we got to know the newbie's coworkers, esecially Jenni nuna, who eventually offered to work for Hyung.

He accepted as he found it almost impossible to find new people to work with.

After a week we decided to go to the cafè, to talk to her, right in front of the entrance I see the shy kid, blatantly melting in front of her male friend.

"Tsk" I scoff at the two, immediately passing by them disgusted by the romantic scene.

Since that night, all my group of friends became closer with the new girl Jennie nuna, except for me obviously.

"Why do you have to be rude to them?" Jisoo Nuna asks me. I just don't answer her, wanting to enjoy this Saturday night at the cafè, who's only open for us, our future boss will explain some details of the upcoming company's opening, also celebrating Jin Hyung doctoral graduation.

"Y/n, you decided to come!!" Jennie Nuna then runs to the kid as soon as she opened the entrance door, finally accepting Jin's offer.

After a week again, we decided to celebrate my master's graduation at a restaurant, Jennie and Y/n also invited by Jisoo nuna.

ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now