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"You little"

I finally feel no one holding onto my arm no more, for some reason, I can't lift my head up and keep on looking at the ground crying out loud, blindly trusting the one that just came to help.

My hair covered every side of my face, my eyes only seeing the blurry ground, my hands still shaking and my knees stinging from the scratches and bruises, my ears are semi-plugged due to shock.

Finally able to hear some sirens from afar, I look up, only to see Jackson being beaten up.

"Stop..." I whisper, my sobs getting weaker as I realize I'm now safe, some cops dividing the two.

"You brat, go to hell!!" that voice. 

I wipe my tears away and see a policeman holding still Jackson and another one pushing Jungkook sunbaenim away with his palm on my boss's chest.

A policewoman then came to me, putting a blanket over my shoulders and making me sit a little bit far away from them.

"Are you ok?" she kindly asks, me nodding, the corner of my lips curving down, tears forming again. "Can you please explain to me what happened dear?"

I look at Jackson who's now handcuffed, the cops waiting to find out who the true culprit is.

"Don't worry, it's just you and me" the middle-aged lady caresses my back, to calm me down. As my eyes met again with hers, she warmly nods reassuring me.

"I-I was having dinner and then I-I found out that J-Jackson has been chasing me at night for f-five years and h-he also drugged me and took pictures and v-videos of me a-and..." I randomly tell her my story almost as if she already new something, and that point I couldn't contain my sobs anymore and started crying out loud.

"It's ok" she still caresses my back "Darlig, would you mind telling me who is Jackson between those two men?" she asks me, tilting her head toward my friend and my sunbaenim.

"The shorter one, with brown hair" I hesitantly say.

The lady stands up to reach the guys.

"Leave the blonde alone. Take Jackson's phone" I hear her demanding.

As she scrolls down the boy's gallery she shakes her head in disappointment and rage, almost as if that affected her personally.

"I declare you under arrest for multiple episodes of stalking, violation of home, privacy, and for drugging the victim. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be and will be used against you in court. You are entitled to a lawyer..."

As she keeps on with the praxis, I see Jungkopok sunbaenim rushing toward me.

"Y/n! Are you ok?!" he shouts as soon as he places his hands on both of my shoulders, lightly shaking my body.

Only able to cry silently, I look at his muscular body, thinking of what could have happened if he didn't come and save me.

He wipes away the tears with his thumbs, right after stroking my cheeks with them, I, unconsciously, sit up to hug him tight.

To my surprise, he does that back, crashing his body against mine, his warmth giving me some peace and making me feel safe in his arms. My hands around his waist, gripping tightly at his shirt, his veiny ones stroking my upper back, making me calm down.

"Sorry for interrupting you, but we need to take a quick blood sampling and swab to the girl, to prove that she's been drugged" a nurse speaks up, I didn't even notice the ambulance getting here.

Getting into the vehicle, they do all the tests and things they need to and finally let me go, only to be taken once again by the police officers:

"We have enough proof, he'll get in jail without no problem, the only thing you need to do is to give your testimonials during the trial. You'll be advantaged as we also have an eyewitness, this gentleman right here" the woman points at my boss, who slowly nods at her.

"Before going home, do you need to call your parents?" a cop kindly asks me.

"I'm a foreign student, my parents live in another state, but I think I'll call them anyways"

"Great, you can go and sit inside one of the service police cars. Don't worry, Jackson is already taken to the police station for surveillance."

As I get inside the car, the cozy blanket still around my shoulders, I call my mum, who answers right away.

"Hi darling, how are you?"

"M-Mum..." I stutter, her immediately getting that something went off.

It didn't take me much time to explain to her the whole night as she just kept quiet to listen to me.

"Y/n, tell me this is a joke" her voice cracks mid-sentence, her sobs following right away.

"I'm fine mum, don't worry, fortunately, my boss was around here and saved me right away."

"Please Y/n, please...do me a favor. Thank that man and tell him that I own him a lot..." she says referring to Jungkook sunbaenim.

"The policemen told us that the process will take place tomorrow as we practically have all the proofs we need, we just need to wait for the results of my analysis, which will be ready in a couple of hours."

"Y/n...please do me another favor. I know we've already talked about this and you didn't agree..."

"What is it, mum? Tell me" I encourage her after a couple of seconds of silence.

"Stop living alone. I know you want to be independent and everything, but please, p-please" her heavy breath getting faster as she finds it difficult to contain her cry "Please, do it for your mum"

She's right, after all she's right. After what just happened, the last thing that I want is to sleep alone.

"Ok mum, I'll do it"

After ending the phone call, I exit the car and reach the cops who are talking to Jungkook, a lawyer who just arrived standing next to my savior.

"We'll meet tomorrow at the court at 8 AM, it won't take much time to frame the impostor" the old man shakes my boss's one and leaves right after.

"Did you call your parents?" my senior asks me, I nod holding tight on the blanket that is still around my shoulders. "Great let's go home now, I'll call a taxi for us"

As we get to the other side of the street on the sidewalk we keep silent for a couple of minutes waiting for our taxi, until he breaks the ice.

"What did your mum say?"

"O-Oh, she thanked you a lot a-and asked me for a favor..." I look down, me never expecting to have this type of conversation with my boss.

"What is it?" he keeps on looking at the street, not paying attention to my face.

"S-She wants me to stop living alone..." I whisper, loud enough for him to hear tho.

"You'll stay at my house"

"What?" I look up to him, unsure of what I heard or maybe unbelieving that a person like him offered me this type of proposal.

"Oh here's the taxi!" he exclaims, reaching his arm up to make us noticeable by the yellow car, him totally ignoring my question and confusion.

"Oh here's the taxi!" he exclaims, reaching his arm up to make us noticeable by the yellow car, him totally ignoring my question and confusion

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ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now