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"Are you kidding me?!" I shout to myself, still looking at the two figures.

When the hooded guy turns back and notices the slower man, immediately starts walking away, me too scared to keep on looking.

As I couldn't sleep properly tonight, when I arrived at work, my face was pretty noticeable, 'trauma' written all over it.

Strangely Jungkook was already present when I got here, didn't even greet me, noting new.

As I kept on going with my life the rest of the week went all the same, but something was different. If before the chasing episodes would happen every three or four days, now they occurred every single night.

The only difference is that now I'm being chased by two men, reason why I spent my weekend locked up inside my house, terrified to take a step outside.

"Is it true that you and your friend Jackson are together?" I widen my eyes, for the first time hearing his voice after a full week of working here. Jungkook was there, in his seat, elbows on top of the desk, face leaned on his palms, his visage showing no emotions.

"I-I" I'm only able to stutter as I find it absurd to have a conversation with him.

"I've heard you last week talking with the girls about this 'Jackson' who's also your classmate, but things seem to be pretty strange. How come haven't you kissed before?"

I furrow my eyebrows confused and look to the side, trying to understand where he's going with asking me about my private life, also panicking remembering the conversation with the girls were I called my boss 'rude'.

"Well...We trust each other and have feelings" I try to explain our relationship, but then I actually start having doubts. What are we?

"Tsk, you both look like elementary school kids" he scoffs going back on doing his work.

I open wide my mouth incredulous at what I just heard. He has no respect toward others and also has no right to talk to me like this.

Making some death signals with my hands, I try to stay calm and also focus on my work.

"You know that there are cameras here connected to my screen, right?" he suddenly says, making me turn around and check every corner of the room, my eyes noticing a small black camera that merges with the also black wall.

Great, my boss just saw me making some strange hand gestures to him, things could get no worse.

Obviously, I was wrong.

Three months flew fast, me working hard every day and the two chasers keeping on following me.

A few weeks ago I started my master's program, still alone in class as all my other seniors are attending the doctoral one.

In the meantime Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jisoo finally finished their studies, working full time along with Yoongi and Seokjin sunbaenims.

I'm happy anyway, as I'm finally in the 'prohibited wing' of the school, the one that I last visited more than two years ago when I first met the others.

Jackson decided to stop studying and working as a waiter in a restaurant near my company and fortunately, we have similar shift's times, he just finishes a little bit earlier than me.

For the past few days, we would meet up at my house to have a drink or eat something together right after I finish working at ten PM and till now it seems to work pretty well for the two of us.

"And why is that? Did something happen?" Jackson asks me as we decided to meet up again, the two of us sitting on my sofa, drinking some apple juice and eating some chips.

ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now