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I  strongly accept his offer, without thinking about it twice, eyebrows furrowed, intense gaze piercing to his charming one, my lips automatically pursed, trying to show him my belief.

After seconds of pure silence and seriousness, he breaks and shows me a sweet and caring smile, his eyes lovingly disappearing.

"You'll be starting from Monday, take these two days off" he exhorts, placing a bunch of banknotes on the table, and, putting on his black leather mask, he walks out of the restaurant.

I still think about that scene, where I was left alone to finish eating my graduation lunch, my smile not leaving my lips even for a second.

Now that has been more than two hours, I decided for some reason to spend these two days by myself, taking care of my body and also my house.

I clean every surface inside, leaving no dust. All of the dirty dishes that have been resting in my sink for a couple of days are now fresh and dry, my clothes washed and ironed, and right after my dinner, I decided to take a hot shower, followed by a facial mask.

That was the best Saturday of all time, alone at home doing some chores and thinking about myself.

I spent my Sunday telling all the persons I know, about my new job which I will be starting in less than 24 hours.

Everyone was happy of course, my family proud of me for finally achieving my dreams, and Jackson was excited for me to have a new job.

Jennie and Jisoo unnies immediately called me as soon as they've heard the news, screaming and shouting, as we'll be working together.

I also received lots of love from my sunbaenims, some messages from the girls and the older males that gave me even more strength.

What my excitement seemed not to find an end, it soon gets replaced by nervousness and anxiety.

"Ok Y/n, you got this" I say to myself, right before entering the enormous company.

As soon as I woke up this morning, I started panicking about every small thing, such as not being able to find Bit Hit's building, or maybe choosing the wrong outfit, or even worse, slipping in front of my bosses.

They're my friends, I know, but it will still be embarrassing, but then, are they my friends? I haven't hung out with them for a very long time.

Finally pulling myself together, I take a long step forward a start walking to the reception point, where I get greeted by a beautiful young lady.

"Welcome to Big Hit, you should be Y/n. I've been told about your arrival. Please go straight on down the hallway until you reach the elevators on the right. Then go up to the highest floor and go to room number 1. There you'll find the CEOnim Kim Seokjin"

I bow to show respect and follow her instruction, my legs shaking as I sense the elevator elevating, my stomach feeling a little upset due to my anxious state, as it feels like ages to get to the last floor.

As I step out of the small cabin, I notice a very long corridor, 8 black doors which are all flanked by numbers from one to seven, the eighth door is the only white one with a big red sign, which is written 'meeting room'.

Here there's a different atmosphere, everything is silent, as compared to the first floor, where you could hear cars and people chatting outside.

Tiptoeing, trying to not make any sound with my heels, I reach room number one, on which I lightly knock, me patiently waiting as I hear no sound coming from inside.

"Hi, Y/n! It's so great to finally see you!" Jisoo unnie opens the door and immediately hugs me tightly, me a little bit surprised by the sudden showing of affection. "Come inside!"

I follow her inside, immediately noticing the big pink desk, behind it there's the one and one CEO of Big Hit, Kim Seokjin.

"Hi, Y/n! Welcome to my office!"

After chatting and them explaining to me about the shifts and stuff, I visit the rest of the rooms: inside number two there is Yoongi, number three Hoseok, number four Namjoon, number five Jimin and number six Taehyung, everyone with their own secretary.

I freeze in front of the seventh room, already knowing who's inside.

I've never had any kind of interaction with Jungkook as far as I remember, I've never even looked at him in the eyes, too intimidated by him.

Before knocking on the door, I take a look at the big clock right next to the meeting room and I sigh in relief as I realize I arrived just in time.

Finally feeling ready, I gently tap a couple of times on the black wooded doors, only to hear silence. As I keep on hearing nothing even after trying again, I decide to enter myself without any permission.

Slowly pulling and the door handle, I push a little the dark moving wall. 

The room is completely black, compared to the others which were bright and with a touch of color here and there.

There's only a big glass wall right behind the also-black desk, which shows the entire city and gives some light to the room.

There's no one inside, me trying to figure out whether I mistook the room with another one, but after checking again I came to the end that it was the right one and that my boss is late.

Still standing by the entrance door, I notice that the room extends to my right to end on the big window, where you can also find Jungkook's workstation. As soon as you enter, right in front of the door, attached to the door, there's another desk, a smaller one.

I, assuming it will be mine, sit in my position and immediately turn on the computer, wanting to look ready as soon as the boss comes here.

I immediately start studying all the programs, trying to memorize each detail, some of them easy, as I've used them during these years at university.

Then my eyes give attention to a specific file: 'main custumers'.

I look behind me and, after ascertaining of actually being alone, I open it, my eyes widening after seeing the most important clients, nothing more than YG and JYP.

The three bigs have daily exchanges and affairs, if my legs were shaking before, now they're trembling even more.

"You came" I hear behind me a deep voice, me immediately closing every program, quickly standing up and turning around to meet a fit silhouette, covered by a big black and fury jacket, under which there's a slight glimpse of a transparent black shirt, his glasses giving him that chief vibe.

His many earrings and piercings in both eyebrows and lower lip, make him look very tough, some tattoos show on his knuckles and right hand. The appearance of the guy, totally contrasting with the elegant and professional one of the big boss Seokjin sunbaenim.

His presence makes me feel weak and helpless, I swallow my spit feeling my throat dry.

His presence makes me feel weak and helpless, I swallow my spit feeling my throat dry

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ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now