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"Go and take a bath, right after I'll show you your room" my boss says as soon as we enter his house.

I look around and visualize a pretty neat and clean apartment, it's not very big, me expecting a huge flat considering how rich he is.

He lives in a condominium not too far from my house, there are four rooms: the first one, as you surpass the entrance door is the biggest one, is an open-space with a modern kitchen and a very welcoming living room, all at once.

Then I get guided to the bathroom, white is the color that predominates except for towels, which are obviously black.

"I'll show you the rest of the house when you're done showering." he says bending down to open a draw and taking out some clean towels, these ones black as well. 

He heads out of the room, closing the door and leaving me alone. Undressing, I notice right away some scars on my body, the most noticeable those on my knees and the ones on my left forearm.

That scene in which Jackson grabbed me, making me hiss in pain, comes up in my mind, a tear immediately leaving my eyes.

The boiling hot water relaxes every muscle of mines, a cloud of steam rises from the floor and hits my face, making some goosebumps paper on my skin.

Losing track of time, I decide that is now time to dry up, I wrap a big towel around my body and start blowdrying my hair, still inside the foggy bathroom, my face drops as soon as I realize I didn't bring any clothes with me.

Should I ask him? I mean, of course, I'm not going to go to him like this, I look at my body, only covered by the dark and now dripping wet towel.

"Sunbaenim?" I peak my head out of the door, to see if he was hanging around "Umh, sajangnim?" I address him with a different appellation.

My eyes suddenly land on the floor where there is a pile of clothes, perfectively folded.

Taking them, I close once again the door and start dressing up, the big black hoodie covering my thighs down to my knees and my hands vanishing inside the cozy long sleeves, a slight of the shoulder can be seen, definitively too big and loose for me.

As I insert both of my legs inside those soft black sweatpants, I look at the mirror, laughing a bit at my state. As I walk outside of the bathroom, I'm forced to pull up and grip at the pants as they keep falling, these as well too big.

Seeing no one around the apartment, I decided to take a look around, entering the third room, right at the end of the corridor.

Opening the door, I see a dark room, black walls, a black big bed, a black desk...everything's black, contrasting with the previous lighter rooms.

Sitting on the mattress, I can't but get surprised by the softness of the covers, me immediately lying down and rolling all over it.

Then I remember that there's still one room left and I waste no more time and go there. I open the door and see a red room, with some gym equipment and right there Jungkook sunbaenim.

He's doing pull-ups on the bar, looking in front of him where there's a huge mirror, large as the entire wall.

"Oh, you're finally done. I guess you also find the clothes I gave you" he says getting down and reaching me, stopping a meter away.

I nod, looking away and pulling up the sweatpants once again, embarrassed, his sweaty figure making me feel a little nervous.

"You know that there a thing called 'laces'?" he states, getting closer to me, putting his veiny hands on the hem of my sweatpants, powerfully pulling them up covering my belly button, I jump a little due to his strength.

He right after proceeds on tying the laces making the pants not fall off my body, then kneels down, giving a couple of light slaps on my right ankle, signaling me to lift it up.

I raise that foot and lean my hands on his shoulders for support, only for him to twist the end of the long trousers as they were under my heels, then does the same with the other one.

After he was done, he left the room and entered the bathroom, me probably thinking he was about to take a shower after his workout.

"You can go to bed if you want!" he shouts from the other side of the door, I do as I was told, waiting for him.

As I get under the covers, I set the alarm quite early as we need to get to the court at eight AM tomorrow morning, a musk manly perfume pervades my nostrils as I lay my head on the pillow, my eyes closing and my mind turning off, enjoying the nice scent.

I wake up at the sound of my alarm, it's currently 6:30 AM and I find myself in bed alone, the other side of the mattress all clean and tidy.

I get up and go to the kitchen, my eyes shutting due to the different levels of brightness of the two rooms.

"Good morning" I hear a male raspy voice in front of me, me finally able to open my eyes and see my sunbaenim in very cozy clothes, preparing two bowls of cereals. "Go wash your face, then come and eat"

I nod, my lids still weak from the bright light, my facial muscles immediately wake up from the cold water that hits my visage as I wash it.

"Did you sleep well?" he asks, before putting a full spoon of cereal in his mouth, I hum in response, enjoying my food "Great. We'll go to your house so that you can prepare and dress on, then we'll head to the Court of Justice"

Right, I totally forgot that I have to get ready and put on some makeup, dressing up quite formally for the process.

Still with his clothes, I follow Jungkook sunbae down the stairs, him already fully dressed and tidied up, when we get inside his car the ride becomes silent, me taking a glimpse of him from time to time and the boy focusing on the road, until we reach my house.

"Be fast" he coldly says, not looking at me.

Putting on a pair of low heels, I was still able to think about Jackson as I was getting ready, my heart aching finally realizing that he's the one that has been following me down the street for five years.

"In addition to the numerous videos and pictures on the defendant's phone, we also have a couple of photos taken by the victim during the stalking moments, her too frightened and tired about the constant episodes" my lawyer explains to the court "May I get closer to you and show you another essential evidence?"

The judge nods and exposes his palms, signaling him to get closer, my lawyer taking a bag with some clothes inside and my phone along with Jackson's one.

"These are the sweatpants and hoodie that Jackson wore while stalking Y/n and it can be proven as they also show in both my client's and the guilty's pictures on their smartphones. Not to talk about the bruises on Y/n's body from yesterday, a scene that was witnessed by Mr Jungkook"

"Do you confirm that?" a member of the court asks my boss, him immediately bowing and nodding.

Jackson tried to defend himself making up some excuses, but obviously failing, my heart aching during the entire process, seeing my best friend and almost-boyfriend, getting arrested, me sitting next to the court as I'm explaining what happened during these five years and last night.

"...then my sajangnim intervened saving me." I explain everything, feeling a couple of tears as I finally notice the rest of my sunbaenims sitting in the audience, Jennie unnie and the girls all crying, the boys giving some death stares to my ex-best friend.

"I trusted you..." I continue, now looking at him, my lips trembling and my throat feels dry as I pronounce those words, me never had expected that we would end up like this "I liked you so much, Jackson"

"I declare the accused guilty!" the judge says right after my confession smashing his hammer on the table, I finally explode in a loud cry.

"You brat!" Jackson shouts as some cops handcuff him and take him away, me not daring to spare a single glance at him.

I stand up, my hands covering my eyes, as I reach the table were are sitting my lawyer and Jungkook, this last one standing up and getting in front of me.

"You did great" he says, pulling me in his embrace into a long and warm hug, I thought of everybody else, but never thought about him, being this comprehensive and human toward me.

ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now