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"Y/n you need to keep up with the lesson. We know how tired you are, but can't just let go off of your last year before your bachelor's degree" the teacher says, calling me to her office right after the end of the lesson today.

I gave up, anticipating my boss screaming and yelling at me for getting late to work.

"You finished your previous university years with the maximum, even the third one which is always the most difficult one. Now that you're midway through the fourth and last year you can't be like this."

My teacher was referring to all the lessons and classes that I skipped due to tiredness.

"We all have high expectations of you. Even if you don't want to study for the master's program, we foresee the maximum marks also this year"

I just look at the ground. Lost most of my emotions since the beginning of this semester. Lost touch with my friends and sunbaenims as soon as they told me that even the last manager Jungkook finally found a secretary after firing tons of people.

Maybe I was just keeping in touch with them only for the job.

They keep on texting me frequently, almost every day I receive multiple messages from them, especially from Jisoo and Jennie unnie, who I've known for the longest.

As I keep on refusing their invites, I always question myself if I'm really fine with that or if I should keep fighting.

I also changed my apartment as the bills increased drastically and my salary dropped even more.

Jackson, the only friend with which I keep on hanging out, proposed me to live with him until graduation, but I kindly declined his offer. Still think of me as a burden to him, I thought it would make things even worse.

Our relationship didn't change a bit, we keep on enjoying our 'friendly dates' and his flirty side remained the same.

The 'us' matter still isn't clear.

After another long year of me constantly asking him, on every possible occasion, he still hasn't given me an answer.

He told me he needed some time alone to think about it, far away from me. He first wants to understand his feelings toward me, so we decided to take a peaceful break from each other, not meeting outside and not talking at school.

It has been almost two weeks since we last had a conversation and if I were to be honest, I miss him, his touch, his hugs, his lips. The one and only kiss that doesn't want to go out of my mind.

"Honey it's ok. We all have highs and downs. We get that you would like to come back home, but I don't think it is what you want. You're almost at the end, you just need to do one more effort to reach your peak. We know that you can do it, just don't make bad decisions only because you're mad or sad, because one day you'll regret that"

My dad has always been the biggest strength of mines. He would always find all the answers I needed, only for me to find out they were right before my eyes.

"You're now making a very huge effort and you're literally sweating blood. It's difficult, you're living by yourself and working to survive, all of this combined with a large number of hours of study. Don't let go off of your dream for an inconvenience. Believe in yourself Y/n, you're this and much more"

'Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer your fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got to keep going.'

- Chantal Sutherland

'There are ups and downs, but whatever happens, you have to trust and believe in yourself.'

- Luka Modric

As time flew so fast and I coincidently kept on bumping into quotes that literally described my life, I finally found the strength to keep going.

I started going back to classes daily and getting to work on time, sometimes overworking to gain more money.

That single phone call with my dad made me realize how I was about to throw the past four years of difficulties and fun.

It's always true, they always say those good things arrive right when you don't expect them.

After getting my life together, positive events kept on occurring.

My boss decided to increase my salary, as he finally decide to retire right after my graduation. I know I'll be jobless by that time, but after getting my bachelor's degree I'm pretty sure that I'll have more chances and voices in the matter.

Also, I started studying more, getting ready for my final exams, which are right around the corner, next month.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any better, Jackson finally came back to me after months of silence, saying that he can't stay away from me.

Our friendship became even stronger and our love for each other could be seen each time we saw each other.

We also finally talked about the famous kiss.

He explained how he really felt like savoring my lips that night and also how he would like to go slow from now on as he doesn't want to make any mistakes.

He thinks that even a kiss is important and I actually don't have anything against that. So we'll start from the beginning with some casual dates, no label, just keep on going and see what the future preserves us.

"Good job Y/n!! You got much faster and earned a lot of experience. I'm actually very proud of you" the voice of my boss rings inside my head all day, along with the teacher's one:

"You're so good Y/n! You've been through a lot during the last semester, and you still succeeded to overcome everything. You're one of my greatest students Y/n, remember that!"

"Sorry if I only kiss your cheeks and forehead, and sorry for behind very slow, but I really appreciate the time spent with you. Even if it's nothing sexual, I manage to fall for you each day that passes Y/n" Jackson's sweet voice has become my favorite lullaby, making me like this man even more.

"Even if we're miles away from you, we still support you with everything you do and choose. You'll always be our pride and happiness along with your siblings. We love you Y/n" my family's support and love is obviously the biggest help that I could ever receive, my mum and dad's support.

All those speeches echo across the whole room, but I'm the only one able to hear them as I kindly bow to my teacher, showing her all my respect and finally taking the long-awaited degree certificate.

She has teary eyes, me also getting emotional.

There's only me and her in her office, we keep on talking about these four years together and how I've always been her favorite in the class, things which I've already heard millions of times but that, for some reason, still makes me feel the happiest person on earth.

"Y/n, I really wish you the best" was her tell, before I left her room, closing the door behind me and drying away some tears that got stuck on my eyebags.

My gaze fixed on the ground, trying to fix my smudged makeup when a pair of black and expensive-to-the-sight shoes enter my sight range.

"Congratulations Y/n"

And I thought my story would end here.

ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now