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I frustrated look at my wardrobe, thinking of a possible outfit to wear, I'm still wearing a towel after my hot shower, my makeup and hair already done.

"Aren't you done yet?" I hear a voice behind me, Jungkook is standing at the entrance of the bedroom.

He's wearing a white pair of dress pants with some also white boots, on top a multicolored shirt on which is drawn a beautiful landscape, the fabric see-through, his shoulders and arms covered by a button-up shirt with the same fantasy as the top underneath.

His nipple piercing and belly button totally show up through the thin fabric of the shirt, his abs and v line can be slightly seen, giving him that sexy yet mysterious aura.

I cover myself, as the wet towel around me is too short, he gets inside, takes out a fancy dress, and orders me to try it after exiting the room.

The dress remains very tight around my chest down to my waist, only to fall loose on my hips, leaving my entire legs uncovered.

It's pretty short, but I like how it flatters my figure, the rest of the girls anticipating me how they also were going to wear a short dress for the party at Seokjin's manor.

I put on some heels and reach the living room, where I find Jungkook sitting on the sofà, his head immediately turns to me.

"It's too revealing" he says standing up and reaching me, just a meter away.

"But I really like this" I pout looking at my dress.

"I don't care. Go and change your-"

He gets interrupted by the doorbell, from outside of the apartment we can hear Jimin sunbaenim shouting.

"Fast you two! We don't have time or we'll be late!"

"I guess I'll have to keep this dress on" I smirk and stick my tongue out at my boss, showing my victory.

As we get to the party, all the girls kept on complimenting each other for our beauty, me doing the same as I found everybody stunning.

The boys immediately take their glass of wine, eyes rolling as they look at us fangirling and appreciating our fashion sense.

"Y/n you have an amazing body!" Jennie unnie says stroking my arm up and down.

"Not to talk about the dress!! Where did you buy it?" Jisoo unnie asks.

"It was a present from my mum! Jungkook actually decided this outfit for me as I was too undecided" I confess, the girls smirking at the boy, who scoffs and looks away.

"Come on girls, get your own drinks, we're going to start the night off whit a cheer!" Yoongi sunbaenim says, us hopping to the table pouring some wine for ourselves.

"You guys worked really hard for this project, as it was purposely designed to attract the high social class of our customers. I've never imagined we could hit and convince Customer X, our biggest guess. I'm so proud of every single one of you guys, you've been supporting me from the beginning, and hope for your presence till the end. Everybody, high up your glass, I want to cheer to this beautiful company and to this competent staff." Seokjin ends his speech, some of us with tears in our eyes, others bouncing on their spots excited for this victory.

"Cheers!!" we all shout in the unison, some sparkling sounds can be heard as we bring our chalices together, right after shooting down the wine.

A couple of hours later, we're still drinking, drunk, and happy to enjoy this night all together, me and the girls dancing wildly to the loud music, the boys sitting on the sofa looking at us and chatting about random stuff.

As we take turns to the centre of the dancefloor to show our freestyle, very tipsy, I show the best moves I could pull off, the others cheering and hyping me up.

"Come on boys! Get here and dance with us!" Jennie unnie shouts inviting the male part of the group, who stands up and reach us.

We're all dancing with a drink in our hands, things I couldn't do at a younger age as I didn't have many friends, I suddenly notice a specific person looking right at me, from quite afar.

I smirk, knowing the effect I'm causing him and turn around, dancing and giving him my back, eventually feeling some hands sliding around my waist and landing on my belly.

A hot breath heats up my right shoulder, the unmistakable touch gets intense as our body stick together, dancing to the fast rhythm of the music, I arch my back, feeling some type of pressure on my behind.

I look to the side and notice the girls jumping and covering their mouths in surprise, I can't actually see the boys' reactions but I'm pretty scure they noticed, some screams can be heard under the loud music, they all look hyped seeing the mature scene.

"What are you doing boss?" I ask, faking an innocent tone and leaning my head a little bit back to my left, to see the guy heavy breathing on me.

"I told you the dress was too short, I'm protecting your behind, it was almost out" his husky whispers in my ear, making some chills running down my spine, some butterflies invade my stomach making me almost feel like I'm fluctuating.

His hands went down to the end of the dress and harshly pulled it down, not anticipating my top half of the body showing.

"If you cover my bottom, my top is going to show. What could we do?" I pout, but suddenly regret my boldness as he places one of his hands right on my cleavage.

"I really hate you right now, did you really have to wear this?" he asks mad, I turn around and lean in to whisper in his ear:

"It was YOU who decided my outfit, B-O-S-S" I say a little bit tipsy and then start walking to the girls, who immediately shouted and clapped at me, all drunk.

Too confident, my expression immediately changed when Jungkook grabbed me by my forearm and dragged me upstairs, in one of the guest rooms, and locked us inside.

"What are you doing?" I question, both irritated and drunk.

"I may ask you the same" he says, crossing his arms in front of his big chest.

"You were the one who decided this dress!" I fight him, trying to stay straight.

"And I also told you to change" he doesn't move a single inch, I get closer to him and point a finger pushing it on his pumped pectoral.

"If you're too jealous, then it's not my problem" I say, it took me a few seconds to realize my own sentence "Anyway, it's not that I can go back home and change now" I go back to my place and notice him taking off his button-up shirt and placing it on my shoulder.

"It's long enough to both cover your bum and cleavage" he says.

"Oh no, you're not going downstairs with only that see-through shirt!" I stomp my feet in place, annoyed by his behavior. Anger boiling inside me, I cannot describe how frustrated I am at the moment, he finds the perfect answer to every single of my sentences.

"And who's the jealous one here?"

I waste no more time and push him against the wall, telling him to stop messing with me, until he turns us around, I find myself trapped in between his arms on both sides of me.

My hands unconsciously go to his belt, unbuckling it, he takes off his button-up of me and slides down my dress, still looking into each other'eyes, not spittinga word, until I only remain in my underwear.

"No bra..." he whispers devouring my body with his gaze, I slip off of my shoes getting even shorter than before, he undresses not moving away, eyes on my bare body, mine fixed on his visage. "Y/n, why..."

"What..." I whisper back.

"Why do you make me feel some type of way?" his low and raspy voice and his lips now an inch away from my neck, trying to contain himself to not lick and kiss my skin, I smile at the sensation. "Why do I like you so much?"

I cup his cheeks with both of my hands, bringing his face in front of mine, I close the space between our groins only covered by our underwears, making them touch, instant butterflies in my whole body, I tremble in pure excitement when I mock his sentence:

"I could ask you the same, Jungkook..."

ANGEL IN THE DARK - J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now