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Opal POV

I've heard people talk about moments in which everything around them stood still, including time. I never believed in something like that, as I'd never experienced it. A moment in which only you and someone else were present in a room full of people, surroundings completely drowned out by the event taking place before you. No, I'd never experienced that, although I always found it to be very cliche.

As  I watch Chris slowly bring his lips to mine everything around me goes blurry, faded completely into the background. I'm no longer in the middle of my best friend's wedding reception. I'm not standing on a dance floor with many eyes on me.

But, in this moment, I now understand what they meant. I've surprised myself by telling Chris to kiss me. I had every intention of ending this weekend the same way it began. But the words he just said, made me see him differently. His willingness to leave without any other physical intimacy, aside from the little bit we've had, made me really think about the fact that he might actually be different.

His thumb caresses my cheek, tenderly, lovingly even, making me want to melt right here in front of everyone. But it's the moment our lips meet that make me weak. The kiss is delicate, sweet, and leaves me with an indescribable longing when we part after only a moment.

My brain is telling me I need to breathe, having not even realized that I was holding my breath ever since those two words left my mouth.

"Opal." My name falls from his lips so softly that it can only be described as a sigh.

My eyes are still closed, his thumb still resting on my cheek. When I open my eyes, what will I see? Will I still see the same man that has made it his mission to pursue me relentlessly over the last couple of days? Or will I see a man, victorious in his effort and rejoicing in this minor conquest. I'm honestly scared to find out.

"Opal." I hear him call me again. 

  And that's when the panic begins rising in my chest. A crushing feeling. My heart starts to race again, and not because of the kiss. My head feels like it's starting to spin. My eyes are no longer closed softly, but squeezed tightly.

 "Are you okay? Open your eyes, Opal."

"I'm scared," I whisper, removing my hand from both his neck and his hand.

"Scared? Scared of what?" There's no harsh tone in his words, but genuine concern.

I take a step back, pulling myself from this momentary daydream, placing myself back in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the reception. I'd been so lost and caught up in this mere moment that I'd not noticed the music had changed and the dance floor was filled with people dancing. I turn my head, away from Chris, before opening my eyes and place them on Lily instead.

"I need to go get ready to sing," I say before walking away, trying to keep my steps steady, not looking back at him.

"What was that?!" Lily exclaims as I get closer to her. Her face alight with joy. But, I actually walk past her instead. "Wait! Where are you going?"

"Need a minute," I call back, trying to make a beeline for the room we got ready in. My anxiety is beginning to burst forth even more and I need a quiet place to try and calm my mind, or at least try to gather my thoughts.

   I reach the room, shut the door behind me and collapse onto the brown leather chair that sits next to the window. For no specific reason a sob escapes my chest, bellowing over my lips.  And that's when the hyperventilating starts. 

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