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  Everyone quickly makes their way back to the hospital, filing in one after the other into Opal's room. The nurse had brought in a more comfortable chair for Pops, a hospital recliner, so he could keep his legs elevated a bit. Chris immediately goes to Opal's left, finding his chair occupied by  his mother who quickly gets up and moves. He takes his spot next to her. Everyone disperses around the small room, knowing that technically they're not all suppose to be in here, but thankfully the nurses have turned a blind eye to our group.

  Lisa moves to stand behind Chris as the doctor walks in. She places her hands on his shoulders as they wait for him to speak. 

  "If you'd each join me separately outside I can give you the results, privately."

  "No offense, Doc, but we don't care about each other's health business. We just want to know who can help Opal," Lily says firmly. She looks around the room for confirmation. She finds each friend nodding in agreeance. "Please, just spit it out."

  He doesn't seem thrilled by the idea but he's learned to not push things with this group. He releases a sigh before placing his glasses across his nose and opens up the file in front of him. "This rarely happens," he starts. "But two of you are actually matches for Miss Lucas."

  "Thank you Lord!" Lisa exclaims, squeezing Chris' shoulders in relief. 

  "So, who are the matches?" Jameson asks as he takes Lily's hand in his own.

  "Laura Boxer and Mr. Evans," he says matter of fact, glancing through his paperwork.

  Laura immediately bursts into tears. Rae wraps her arms around her friend, comforting her. 

  Chris stands from his seat. "So when can we do the surgery?" He's automatically prepared, ready to save his love's life, no matter the cost. 

  "Well, the first step is pretty obvious. We need to decide which one of you is going to be the donor."

  "I'm ready, let's go," Chris announces again, taking another step towards the doctor.

  "Who said you're doing it?" Laura challenges him, releasing herself from Rae. "Last time I checked he said we're both a match."

  "This isn't up for debate. I'm doing it."

  "The hell you are! Who are you anyway? Just a guy she met six months ago." Laura gets closer to Chris, raising her voice along the way. "You could be out of the picture tomorrow. No way in hell I'm gonna let her feel indebted to you for this."

  Chris is seething. "Who am I?" he yells back at her. "I'm not the one that's constantly pushing her behind me, making her feel worthless. You have no idea how much she's struggled because of the way you treat her."

  "Christopher!" Lisa bellows from behind him. 

  Laura's eyes are red rimmed as she begins crying harder. 

  "I am in love with her and I will do anything I possibly can to make sure she lives a long and happy life. If that is with me, wonderful. If it's not, great. The point is I want her alive. How do I know you're not gonna hold this over her? Make her bow to your every insane whim?" 

  Chris is startled when he feels a hand grip his arm. "Son, you need to take a step out," Pops says, gripping his arm tightly. "Come on. I'll go with you, we'll get some fresh air."

  "This isn't over," Chris protests to the doctor but follows Pops lead out of the room and down the hall. 


Chris POV

  I blew up. I know I did. I took it too far. 

  This whole ordeal has caused a side of me to come out that I'm not use to. I'm not a man that raises his voice to women this way. I've become aggressive and I don't like it. 

Every New Beginning... (Chris Evans AU)Where stories live. Discover now