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Chris POV

I breathe a sigh of relief as I can feel my chest shake with a small laugh. "So it's that kind of conversation?"

"You better believe it," he says sternly. "You know that girl is my whole world. She's been through a lot and deserves so much more than she thinks she does. I need to know if that's really you."

I can see his conviction for Opal pouring out just by the way he sits along with his words. This isn't him being a jokester like normal. This is a real moment that he needs to have, no matter the amount of times I've had it with Opal. I lean forward, resting my forearms on the table as he continues.

"I'm not getting any younger and I need to know that my girl is not just a way for you to pass time." He studies me a bit as he's leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed against his chest. "Did she ever tell you her story?"

"Yes, sir. She admitted how difficult it's been to find her worth within herself from all of the heartache."

  "And knowing what you know, how does that affect things?"

"I am in love with her," I start. "I want to give her everything, I'm just waiting until I think she's ready to fully accept it."

  "Will you provide for her? Keep her safe?" It's as if he has a mental checklist that he needs to cross off. "I'm sure you've experienced some of her back and forth. Are you willing to stick by her through all of those moments? Or will you give up on her when she's giving up on herself?"

  I contemplate his questions before answering. In short, I want to do all of those things. But I'd be lying if I said it hadn't been difficult at times to not just jump ship. Knowing how much I love her, and the thought of not having her in my life is what keeps me from running away.

  "Your granddaughter is certainly a piece of work." I expect him to laugh but he doesn't. This lets me know he is being very serious right now. I lean against my knees now, elbows resting on them, my hands clasped with my chin sitting on them. I make direct eye contact to affirm the seriousness of my answer to his question. "I want nothing more in my life than to provide for her, to keep her safe, to build a family with her. I will do my best to help hold her up when she can't hold herself up, encourage her, let her know that it's okay to have moments of difficulty, but that I will not let her remain there." My hand comes up to brush against my own cheek as I realize I've actually released a single tear during my proclamation.

  Pops stares back at me for a few more moments, neither of us speaking. I hear him release a sigh before he gets up and walks over to his suitcase. When he returns to the table he places a small box in front of me. "Go ahead," he urges me.

  I open the box to find a delicate, thin, gold band. "That was Opal's Granny's wedding band. I don't have the engagement ring I gave her anymore because we had to sell it to make ends meet shortly after we were married. Opal doesn't know I have this, she thinks Rosie was buried with it." I run my finger along the curve of the ring. "I've always wanted Opal to have it. Was just waiting for the right guy to come along. I think you'll be the one to give it to her."

  I'm speechless as I realize how much deeper this conversation has gone. This is something Pops could've kept and given her after we were engaged. I look back at him once more, silently questioning this action.

  "Just in case," he assures me.


Opal POV

  Last night's late hour is catching up with me as I return the last email back to AnnaBeth. A glance at the clock tells me I've got two more hours until we meet Chris and his family at the restaurant for the celebratory steak dinner.

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