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Chris POV

  I watched her walk away, through the door, the sound of it closing feeling like the nail that locked the fate of our relationship. 

  I could run after her. I could beg and plead for her to let me continue to love her but realization hits me that she would only let me love her from afar, not letting me completely in again so easily. 

  So, that's what I'll do. I'll love her from a distance and wait.

  Wait with hope that one day things will change. That one day, she'll come back to me. Because I can't make her. I can't make her see the wonderful woman I know she is until she understands her own brokenness.

  But on the off chance, she never finds her way back to me, she deserves to have what is rightfully hers. Digging through my bag I find the maroon bag that has gone with me to Vegas, back to Jax, and then once again on this trip because any time I would see her I had hopes that I'd be able to give it to her.

  Not like this though. No, I wanted it to find it's rightful home on her finger, sitting next to her engagement ring. I set it down, my heart filled with sorrow, as I pull out my wallet. I thumb through the billfold until I find the slip of paper the flight attendant gave me. Unfolding it, I read over the heartfelt words one last time.

  The meaning of the words haven't changed for me. She's made me and my life better than I could've ever imagined it. But now, it's time to see what my life becomes without her. 

  It's after midnight before I finish tidying the room up, wanting to make things easier for her when she returns. I can't fathom laying in the bed without her, knowing the last time I was here with her I was waking her up for her birthday surprise. Before I crash on the couch, my vows and the ring catch my eye once more. I need to add one more thing to it, before I too walk away. 

  Grabbing a pen out of the cup in the kitchen I scribble the words her Pops use to say to her Granny from the very beginning of their relationship. 

  Forever will I love you and never will that change.
  Yours always, Chris

I add todays date off to the side, hopeful that she'll notice. 


Opal POV

  I knock lightly on the hospital door, waiting for a response before entering.

  A quiet "Come in," urges me through the door.

  "Hey little mama," I whisper as I walk in, taking note of a sleeping Giovanni on Rae's chest. I lean in carefully to kiss her forehead. 

  "Hey," she says, stifling a yawn. 

  "I can take him if you want? Maybe let you get some sleep?" I offer, still hovering. She gives a little nod before cautiously lifting him from her chest. I put my purse on the side table and take the sleeping baby from her. He twitches a little, his eyes flutter, but once I sit and lay him against my chest, he snuggles in by my neck and finds his rest once more. "Oh, sweet boy. You're gonna make my ovaries explode."

  "Guess it's a good thing Chris isn't here then," Rae teases, a small smile evident on her tired face.

  "Yeah, right," I try passing off the topic without giving much more than that. 

  "How did yesterday go?" Rae asks, shifting onto her side to look at me better.

  I let my hand rub gently along Giovanni's back. "Tell mama she needs to be catching some shut eye while Auntie Opal is here to watch you, instead of fishing for the sordid details on Auntie Opal's insane love life." 

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