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Chris POV

Atlanta is the same as it was when I left it, except my apartment feels even more empty than before. In reality I know that makes zero sense, considering I've lived alone for quite sometime. But my mind is telling me it's because I'm missing a part of me. It's not something I deny with myself.

I enjoyed being with Opal every day. I loved the opportunity to take care of her. I adored the feeling of being a makeshift husband and wife duo. For me, it just solidified what I want. But now the bigger picture lingers. When? Where? and How?

In two weeks Opal should be completely cleared to return to her normal everyday life and activities. Her birthday is coming up, May 6. I've contemplated whether to propose then or hold off longer. With Laura and Spencer getting married in three months I know Opal enough to understand she'll worry that we're stepping on their moment. Maybe I need to have a conversation with Laura, feel her out on the topic.

Spring has found its way to Atlanta as well. Trees are finally beginning to wake up, green leaves and buds starting to show themselves. A sign of new all around town.

Walking into my apartment I follow my usual routine. Remove my holster, untuck my shirt, untie and toe off my boots before unbuttoning my shirt and pulling it off, leaving me in only the black t-shirt and my pants. The last couple days on shift have been rougher with an increase in home burglaries. Not to mention the amount of paperwork.

A glance at the clock tells me all I need to know as to why my body is screaming in exhaustion. It's 2 AM, two hours past the end of my shift. That should give anyone an idea as to how crazy it's been.

I walk into my bedroom and just stop. My head shifts from my bed to the bathroom shower, and back and forth. I drop my head in defeat as I know a shower has to win out. I think it'll be the quickest in my life.

I get the water started warming up as I pull my shirt off. I look back in the mirror seeing my tired body, exhausted eyes. My hand goes instinctively to the newest art that rests over my heart, remembering the moment Opal found it.

Opal gasps as I fully remove the bandage that is covering my left pec. "Chris, is that-"

I look down at the ink across my chest before bringing my eyes back to hers. "That is your heartbeat from when you came back to me."

She remains stunned. I'm suddenly concerned that maybe it was too big of a gesture and I'll frighten her in some way. "How," she stutters, "why, when?"

"The how is pretty simple. You were still hooked up to the EKG monitors. I just asked for a copy of that time period." She nods slightly at my admission. "The when was tonight. I asked the guys about helping me with something and they took me to a local tattoo shop."

She breathes in, about to open her mouth again before I stop her. "The why shouldn't even be a question, Ope."


"Woman." I take a step towards her, reaching my hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear. "Do you ever stop with the 'buts?'" I smile at her with all the warmth and love I feel, enjoying this moment with her.

"Chris," she quirks a brow, her face still laden with concern. "That's permanent."

I tap on her brow, attempting to get her to relax it. She giggles up at me for my efforts. "I can get it removed if needed, but I don't think that'll be necessary." I take her hand in mine, leading her back towards the bed. I sit on the edge and bring her to stand between my legs. "Ya see, you're pretty permanent as well."

She rests her hands on my shoulders, leaning in to me. "You're pretty cheesy, Evans."

"Good thing you like cheese," I tell her with a big grin as she slaps my chest.

"I'm being serious." She takes a deep breath but my hands just grip her waist tighter.

"As am I, love. I know you're nervous about us, but I'm not. And even if," I pause, "and its a ginormous if-" she laughs, "we don't work out, there's no way I'd ever want to forget our time together. So, your heartbeat will continue to sit right over my own, a part of me forever." She leans down a bit, resting her head on mine, our eyes both closed as I speak again. "I may not have been the one to save you, but no matter what, if you ever need me, you have me."

We remain in silence a few moments, taking in the words that were spoken. Opal's hands now rest against the back of my head, her fingers moving softly against my hair. "I adore you," she whispers.

"Ditto, babe."

If someone had clocked my shower they probably would've been shocked I was even in long enough to get wet. I throw on some boxers, brush my teeth and wearily fall into bed.

My eyes have a mind of their own and can no longer remain open as my breathing evens out and I drift off.

"Chris!" I hear my name being called from inside the house as I work on raking the leaves in the front yard.

"I'm outside, Ope," I yell back.


"Out front, babe!" I continue to rake the leaves that have continued falling even though we're well into fall, growing closer to the first day of winter.

I hear the front door open in a hurry. "Lieutenant Evans!" This grabs my attention more than just her simple yelling. "It's time."

The rake drops from my hands as my heart begins racing. "It's time?" I question. She nods her head. "But you've still got five weeks. It can't be time."

"Twins tend to work on a different timetable, sweetie." She reaches behind the door and grabs the hospital bag, tossing it out in front of me on the porch. "My water broke in the shower. We need to go now."

I've always been the one to work better under pressure and stress, yet here I am internally freaking out, looking back at my very focused, calm wife. I rush up to the porch. "I need a shower. I need my keys. I need to put gas in the car."

Opal just watches me losing control with her hand on her hip and a smile on her lips. As I get closer to her, she grasps my hands in her own. "Eyes on me, Chris. Breathe." I pause, gazing into her eyes and take a deep breath.

Those eyes. The same eyes I admired over a casual conversation at Decker's three years ago. The eyes that gleamed before our first kiss outside the carriage house of Magnolia. The eyes that have ogled me in my uniform. The eyes I admired on our wedding day as everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. The eyes that calmed me after our first miscarriage. The eyes that have been the window to my future for the past three years. Opal's eyes have always brought me back to the center of my being, relaxed me and set me back to normal.

"You are my world, Opal Evans," I tell her before I lift each of her hands, kissing her palms.

"Well, if we don't get moving soon, your world is gonna get a lot bigger right here on the porch," she chuckles out, handing me my keys from her purse.

  I grab the bag, quickly racing to the car before tossing it into the backseat where two car seats rest, waiting for their occupants. I rush back to the porch, helping Opal down the steps carefully. Once she's situated I climb into the driver's side and crank the car. "Ready gorgeous?"

  "I'm getting everything I ever wanted." Her eyes sparkle with tears. "I'm getting my family."

*Not me over here crying as I type*

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