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Chris POV

  "You sure this is a good idea?" Jameson asks, looking between myself and Anthony as we stand out in the parking lot of the hospital.

  "I'm only here because I was asked to come," I admit. "I've been giving her what she asked for." Even though I really don't understand it, at all. 

  "Rae and I wanted him here for a reason, so we asked him. Now, if something bigger and better should come out of this visit," Anthony smirks mischievously, "then they can name their first kid after me and the missus." 

  I laugh lightly at his words due to the small amount of hope that remains flowing through me. It's dwindled more and more each day since that last message. Some could say I gave up too quickly. Some would say I'm better off. 

  I choose to think I'm giving her what she needs right now, in the hope that she'll see what she needs in the future is a life with me.

  A guy can hope, right?

  "Do you even still want that?" Jameson asks.

    That answer has never changed, through all the ups and downs. "I want everything with her."

  "She's in with Rae right now actually. Why don't we go and see if they need anything?" Anthony suggests as we begin walking towards the entrance. 

  I have multiple flashbacks to this hospital, each one having one single thing in common: Opal. From bringing her at Pops first admittance, to her accident and then again for Pops after our impromptu trip to Vegas. At least this time there's happiness at the end of the stay, the birth of a baby.

  I'm still hopeful for more joy than the bundle that Rae and Anthony will be welcoming, but we'll see how things go. 

  Jameson stops off at the waiting room where I give a quick wave to Lily who offers a warm smile back. Jameson throws up a double thumbs up, wishing me luck. I follow behind Anthony, letting him lead the way into Rae's hospital room. She greets us with a smile, waving us in. 

  "She's in the bathroom," she whispers as I lean down to hug her. I hear Anthony pull the curtain in place.

  "You know that's not why I'm here."

  "Well, it's part of the reason we asked you here, so change your mindset and get your head in the game," she bluntly tells me. I quirk my brow at her. "Don't mess with me, I'm in labor."

  "Yes, ma'am," I say before moving to the other side of the room, giving Anthony the spot next to her.  

  My hands sit instinctively in the pockets of my jeans as I chew on the inside corner of my mouth, suddenly thinking how bad of an idea this is as I hear the water running from the bathroom. The water shuts off and I hear the click of the door knob unlock. 

  Her footsteps sound as light as I remember them.  "You still want that cloth?" she asks from the other side of the curtain.

  Rae glances over at me. "Yes, please."

  Opal pulls back the curtain, noticing Anthony next to Rae. But then her attention finds me, a small gasp escaping her lips. 

  Every urge within my body screams for me to go to her. To hold her, to kiss her. To tell her everything is okay and I forgive her because I know how harsh her grieving process has been. And yet with all of those natural urges, my feet don't move, and my muscles don't flinch. 

  I watch her try and regain her composure, but the blush across her neck and cheeks won't go away as quickly as she'd like. She clears her throat, turning her attention back to Rae and Anthony. "Here ya go." She passes the cloth to Anthony who places it across his wife's forehead tenderly.  Opal grabs the bottle of water from the bedside table. "I'm just gonna give you all some time," she says, attempting to make a hasty exit. 

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