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"We have a problem." 

  I look back at the brunette through the camera on the phone. 

  "Good morning to you too, gorgeous," I tell her, raising a brow. "There can't be any problems, because you're getting on a flight in," I look at the clock next to my bed, "six hours."

 "That's the problem."

  "More, Ope. I need more. Did they cancel the flight? Is Pops sick?" I shift to sit upright in the bed, causing the sheet to fall off of my bare chest, rubbing against my eyes in an attempt to wake up a bit more. "What's the problem, love?" With a quick yawn and a shake of my head I focus back on the screen. Seeing Opal staring at my chest, biting her lip. A smirk catches my lips. 

I love that I do that to her.

  "Earth to Opal!" I startle her back to reality. "What's the problem?"

  "Oh, I uh," she stumbles over her words, flustered by the fact that I caught her staring. She gives her head a small shake before continuing. "No, nothing like that. Look." She flips the phone around to show me her luggage sitting by the front door.

  "I'm not seeing the problem, babe."

  The camera turns back to around. "I'm ready to go now."

  I can't help but laugh at her silliness. "You're gonna have to find something to occupy your time then."

  "But," she starts to protest, "I could get in my car right now and be there at your door before the plane  even lands." 

  "That's a long trip for just one person. I don't know how I feel about you being on the road like that." I'm sure she would be fine, but what if she starts feeling ill, or there's an accident. 

  "Then give me something to do to occupy my brain and time, Evans."

  I think on this for a moment, genuinely trying to come up with anything to keep her from getting on the road. "You could visit Pops."

  "Already done. I took him breakfast." She plops onto her couch with a grunt.

  "You got up that early?" I ask, shocked. It's just now 7 AM.

  "Who said I slept?" 

  "Woman," I say sternly. "Tell me you slept. You can't be getting exhausted." 

  She rolls her big brown eyes at me, huffing. "I did sleep. Just not much," she whispers the last part.

  "And why not? Are you feeling alright?"

  "I feel fine except that my boyfriend lives 300 miles away!" she yells at me, throwing her head back on the couch. "I miss you. These four weeks have felt like pure torture and I'm ready for the torment to end." 

  My expression softens at her words. I know exactly what she means. This has been difficult to endure, quite possibly more for her because she doesn't know what is just over the horizon at this point in our relationship. 

  But now I'm starting to wonder if it will make things even more difficult for her. I decide not to think about that right now, a bridge to cross later on.

  "It was amazing having you here when I woke up," she admits. "The last thing I heard each night being your voice telling me you love me. I just miss it."

  "Does it help that you'll have all those things again soon?" She shrugs her shoulders, pouting. "I'll even record myself telling you I love you so you can play it each  night before bed."

  "You're a dork."  I smile at her words.

  There's a knock on her door, before I overhear some shouting. "Opal, what is that?"

Every New Beginning... (Chris Evans AU)Where stories live. Discover now