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 "How is it possible that I'm more scared now than I was three months ago?" Opal asks from where she lays against Chris' chest.

  The couple had returned to Atlanta the night before from their New Years whirlwind of a trip to New York. Opal's flight back home would be leaving midday the following day. Unsure of the next chance either of them would have to make a trip to visit each other, they'd decided to stay in as much as possible their last day together.

  Chris shifts ever so slightly, readjusting the Patriots blanket Opal had given him for Christmas. His fingers running gently through her brunette locks. "Why do you say that?"

  Opal moves off to the side, leaning up on her elbow in order to see Chris better, causing him to drop his hand from her hair. She smiles softly as he once again moves the blanket to make sure she's kept warm. "Because this," she rests her hand on Chris' chest, just over his heart, "is further than I've allowed myself to get in any relationship in years, and it's with a guy who lives 300 miles away from me." 

  "I think we've done pretty well with the distance so far," he admits. "And that was before the big L word. I only see us working harder for it now."

  Her gaze falls on Chris' chest where her hand rests. "Sure you're not gonna walk away now that the chase is over?" She doesn't make a move to look him in the eyes.

  Chris changes position, mimicking Opal, turning towards her, resting his head on his hand. Gently he lifts her chin to see her eye to eye. "The chase will never be over with you. Have we completed another step? Yes, but I promise to always chase after you." His hand moves from her chin so that his thumb runs along her cheekbone. "I love you, Ope."

  He watches as a blush runs across her cheeks, tinting the skin beneath his thumb pink. "I love you too."

   Opal only told Chris "Excuse me," before she went to the restroom. She didn't need to go, however she needed to hype herself up to follow through with what her heart revealed to her. Now was the time, her heart and brain finally on the same page. She stares at herself in the mirror for a couple of moments before finding the courage to exit and move straight to the empty stage. 

   Could she have just said the words he so longed to hear? Of course. But, there was so much more than three words that needed to be said. She takes the mic in her hand and once again closes her eyes before she begins singing. 

Oh, I'm obsessed
With the way your head is layin' on my chest
How you love the things I hate about myself
That no one knows, but with you, I see hope again

  Opal's eyes remain closed but she knows Chris is watching her, she feels it, a sense of pride radiating off of him just like the night before.  She thinks about all of the times she felt less than worthy of his gaze, knowing that he still wanted nothing more than to be with her.

Oh, I'm a mess
When I overthink the little things in my head
You seem to always help me catch my breath
But then I lose it again

  'Toss out the math and logic, Opal,' she hears him say to her again, replaying the moment inside the carriage house after the wedding. Don't think, just do.

And darlin', this is more than anything I felt before
You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find
Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak
But I know now I found the one I love

  Opal opens her eyes, immediately finding Chris watching her. His face giving off not only pride, but desire, longing, as he hears words flow freely from her like never before. The words may be in the form of a song, but still the same a step in the right direction.

Come close, let me be home for anything                                                                                                            Good or bad, I know it's worth it                                                                                                                                  And darlin', this is more than anything I felt before
You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find                                                                           Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak                                                            But I know now I found the one I love

  She sings the rest of the song, eyes focused on Chris, sending each word directly to him, not realizing the deep penetration it's making on his heart. Once the music ends she replaces the mic to its stand before stepping off of the stage.  Opal being Opal stares at the ground as she moves back in the direction of Chris but is caught off guard when she's met with strong arms and passionate filled lips finding hers quickly. She returns emotion for emotion until pulling back slightly, her lips still close to Chris'.

  "I love you, Chris," she tells him before he presses his lips to hers once more.

  With their foreheads resting against each other, amidst the hustle and bustle of the now crowded bar, Chris admits, "those are the most wonderful words I've heard come from that beautiful mouth of yours." 

  "I couldn't not say them anymore. I've been wanting to tell you," she says. "But, I couldn't quite get my head in line with my heart. If you haven't noticed they tend to be polar opposites." A giggle escapes her lips as they walk back to their table hand in hand.

  They reach the table just to toss on their coats before heading back out of the bar they entered only a little over an hour earlier.

  The air, cool and crisp around them they walk huddled up as close to one another as possible. Chris wanting to say so much more than his earlier simple words and yet still afraid he may spook her. Although his earlier admission also revealing to Opal that she is the only one he's desired an in depth future with.

  "You're quiet," Opal mentions as they stand on a street corner waiting for the go ahead to cross.

  He looks down at her, a small smile across his lips. "If you only knew how loud my brain is screaming right now," he laughs out causing Opal to hide her face in his coat clad bicep. When she shyly pulls her face back up he notices her red cheeks and nose caused by the cold air. 

  Chris takes his gloved hands and strokes both of her cheeks with his hand, looking lovingly and tender at who he already deems his future. As he does he notices a single snowflake fall, landing on the tip of her nose.  "Well," he starts, "a one of a kind snowflake locates a one of a kind woman." He leans down to place a gingerly peck on her nose.

  Opal, lost in her admiration, looking up into the blue eyes she first saw months ago at a random restaurant 300 miles from home, doesn't notice the flake that has found its random home on her nose. "What?" she asks as she watches Chris lift his head, eyes pointing towards the sky.

  She follows suit to witness the sky open up and a steady stream of snowflakes fall all around her.  She can't help but giggle with glee over the sight. "A perfect end to a perfect night," she says as they begin walking to the hotel once more.



  "Am I crazy if I say that one of my top five moments of the trip was just laying in the bed with you the next morning, watching the snow fall?" she asks before finding her spot against him once more.

  Chris lays on his back once more before full enveloping Opal against his chest. "Not at all."

  "It was just so peaceful, an oddly quiet for such a busy city."

  "Snow will do that," he chuckles, tenderly fingering her hair once more. 

  "Can we stay like this forever?" she asks in hushed tones.

  Opal feels Chris release a sigh from under where her head rests. "I think eventually we can make that happen. But, for the next," he pauses glancing over to the clock, "eighteen hours I'm game."

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